Northern Kentucky mayor still not resigning amidst previous questions over spending

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WALTON, Ky. (WKRC) - Walton Mayor Gabe Brown announced recently that he would resign as city council investigated possible improper spending and misuse of the city's credit card.

He still hasn't turned in his official resignation as of Monday, however. And it's also not the first time his spending has been questioned. Former city councilmember Barb Farrow recalled questioning roughly $200 of Brown's expenses for a trip out of town.

"I retired from the IRS, so I kind of know what's allowed and not allowed as far as government goes,” said Farrow, who was on the council between 2019 and 2020. “So, some of the charges that Gabe had put on a trip that he had taken, I questioned."

Brown promised his resignation at a special council meeting on March 20 when the council announced its intention to investigate his spending. Local 12 obtained those credit card bills from court records. They were part of a separate open records lawsuit. Then, on Monday, councilmember Terri Courtney texted that the investigation had begun with more open records requests.

She also said that impeachment is still an option if Brown doesn't resign at some point, saying he needs to be a "man of his word,” and that he had admitted wrongdoing to council members. She also pointed out that Brown still had possession of the city-owned SUV. Local 12 verified it was still in his driveway Monday afternoon.

Local 12 asked Brown via text whether he would resign or turn in the city vehicle. He responded, but didn't answer either question, nor agree to an interview. Meanwhile, Farrow said she hopes the situation is resolved soon for the sake of the city.

"If he's done things that he shouldn't be doing, then yes, this will give the city a bad name," said Farrow. "I'm a taxpayer, so I pay city taxes, not that they're outrageous, but I pay city taxes. And I think the city and residents need to know what it's being spent on and whose approving that.”

Walton's City Council has a special meeting scheduled for Wednesday to possibly censure Brown, in effect an official reprimand. The city's population is about 3,000 people, but it has grown significantly in the last five years. It has a strong mayor form of government, with the mayor also acting as the chief executive or city manager.

In fact, there were no rules in regards to oversight of the city credit card until last Wednesday when council passed a new ordinance requiring receipts and other information to be turned in for approval.

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