'More than we thought': Investigation into NKY mayor shows misuse of city money

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WALTON, Ky. (WKRC) - An investigation into the former mayor of Walton detailed multiple misuses of city money and vehicles.

He’s accused of using a city credit card to fill up the tank on his personal car and he's accused of showing favoritism to certain city contractors. But he’s not accused of profiting from those contracts.

The timing of this means that Gabe Brown could still run for office in November. The findings were all part of a process to impeach Brown, but since he scribbled his resignation on a bank envelope, council members couldn't penalize him. There is a criminal investigation into his actions.

Walton City Council members’ suspicions were confirmed with the 80-page final report.

“Former Mayor Brown authorized payments to that same contractor personally by means of a cashier check payable from the general fund," said lawyer Bryce Rhoades, who is representing the city council. “Former Mayor Brown appears to have used a city-issued gas card for personal use or otherwise allowed it to be used."

The city hired an outside firm to look at documents dating back to the summer of 2023.

Council Member Dan Martin said it was small transactions that allowed Brown to go undetected.

"All the rumors might be true, and unfortunately, we know, as I mentioned last week, that we found more than what we thought we’d find," Martin said.

Brown previously admitted to using a city snowplow and getting paid for it, but Martin said that was just the tip of the iceberg. The report showed that he paid over $200,000 from the city fund for a project without receiving bids.

"We saw them as minor payments. What we didn’t quite realize was what they added up to," Martin said.

He said the misuse showed a lack of needed oversight that could be helped by hiring a city manager.

"We’d be lying if we said there’s nothing that we could do. We’re as good as things are going to get. It’s not that simple. Hopefully, we weren't so arrogant that we can’t admit that we can be better," Martin said.

Brown had previously said he’d consider running for mayor again, and that it would be a family decision. Local 12 contacted him after Tuesday's council meeting but didn't hear back.

There are six people interested in temporarily filling the seat, three of them are current council members.

The council will hold a special meeting on May 20 to decide.

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