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Template:Infobox team

From Liquipedia League of Legends Wiki

Documentation (view - edit)

Team Information
Someone to TeamLiquid Jan 2011
This is not a real team
Upcoming Tournaments

No Upcoming Tournaments

This Infobox is designed to give basic information about LoL teams.


Parameter Explanation
name The name of the team
image Team logo image name. Do not include Image: or File: as a prefix. Do not include [[ ]]. External links to images will not work.
teamcardimage Optional. This logo is usually different from the main logo, (e.g. no-text version). It will be displayed in the TeamCard on tournament pages.
location The location of the team. You can use either name of a country, continent or server region.
coaches Names of the team's coach(es) (multiple coaches can be separated by <br /> to split additional names to separate lines)
director Name of the director(s)
manager Name of the manager(s)
captain Name of the team captain
league Notes what league the team is part of.
abbreviation Name of the team abbreviation
sponsor Name(s) of sponsor(s), can be linked to external sponsor pages. Use <br /> to split additional sponsors to separate lines.
website URL to team website
facebook Facebook handle for team. Only need handle, not full site. E.G. facebook=teamliquidnet will link to teamliquidnet
twitter Twitter handle for team. Only need handle, not full site. E.G. twitter=teamliquidnet will link to teamliquidnet
youtube YouTube handle for team. Only need handle, not full site.
gplus Google+ handle for team. Only need handle, not full site.
weibo Sina Weibo handle for team. Only need handle, not full site.
tencent Tencent Weibo ID for team. Only need user ID number, not full site.
vk VK handle for team. Only need handle, not full site.
tlstream Stream Name on
twitch Username on Twitch
azubu Username on Azubu
stream Link to stream (if not on Twitch)
created The Date when the team was created (YYYY-MM-DD)
disbanded The Date when the team was disbanded (YYYY-MM-DD)
trades Traded players, from/to
footnotes A footnote to be placed at the bottom of the box.
achievements List of Premier Tournaments wins . Use Template:LeagueIconSmall and link to the specific event. For example: "{{LeagueIconSmall|tpl|link=The Premier League/Season 4}}" to produce: Template:LeagueIconSmall. All achievements must be separated with  
no-cat If you set this to true, the team page will not be added to categories.

Blank template with parameters

You can copy the code snippet below and fill in the parameters to customize this Infobox. If any parameter doesn't apply, leave it blank and that line will not appear in the Infobox.

{{Infobox team


The code below created the Infobox on this page.

{{Infobox team
|manager=Someone Else
|captain=Another One
|trades=Someone to TeamLiquid Jan 2011
|footnotes=This is not a real team