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The Restrained Hunger
“I don’t lose control, I free myself from control.”
~ Briar
Champion Information
Primary Role
Secondary Role
6300 Blue Essence  975 Riot Points
Attack Type:
Release Date:
Base Statistics
590 (+100)
Health Regen:
0 (+0)
Attack Damage:
60 (+3)
Attack Speed:
0.644 (+2%)
Attack Range:
30 (+4.2)
Magic Resistance:
32 (+2.05)
Movement Speed:
Esports Statistics
Win Rate:
8W : 5L (61.54%)


Crimson Curse
Damage Type
Briar's attacks and abilities apply a stacking bleed that heals her for a portion of the damage it deals. Perpetually hungry, she gains increased healing based on her missing health, but lacks innate health regeneration.
Head Rush
Damage Type
Briar leaps to a unit and hits enemies with The Heel Wheel (of Pain), stunning them and breaking their armor.
13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9
Blood Frenzy / Snack Attack
Location / Auto
Damage Type
Briar leaps forward and shatters her pillory, entering a Blood Frenzy that causes her to relentlessly pursue the nearest enemy (prioritizing champions). While frenzied, she gains increased attack speed and move speed, and her attacks deal damage in an area around her target. Briar can reactivate this ability while frenzied to take a CHOMP out of her target on her next attack, dealing additional damage based on their missing health, and healing Briar based on the damage she deals.
14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10
Chilling Scream
Auto / Self
Self and Enemies
Damage Type
Briar refocuses her mind, removing Blood Frenzy and channeling energy into a powerful scream that damages and slows enemies. While charging, she takes reduced damage and heals for a portion of her max health. A fully charged scream knocks foes back, dealing additional damage and stunning those who collide with a wall.
Certain Death
Damage Type
Briar kicks her pillory's hemolith gemstone, marking the first champion it hits as her prey. She then beelines straight to them, fearing other surrounding enemies upon arriving at her target, and enters a state of complete hemomania. She will pursue her prey until death, gaining the benefits of Blood Frenzy as well as additional armor, magic Resist, lifesteal, and move speed.
120 / 100 / 80


A failed experiment by the Black Rose, Briar's uncontrollable bloodlust required a special pillory to focus her frenzied mind. After years of confinement, this living weapon broke free from her restraints and unleashed herself into the world. Now she's controlled by no one—following only her hunger for knowledge and blood—and relishes the opportunities to let loose, even if reining back the frenzy isn't easy.

Near the end of his reign, Grand General Boram Darkwill entrusted the Black Rose and its many hemomancers with creating a new kind of living weapon. Unlike their previous experiments on the deceased, this would be a being born from and fueled by blood—one driven to hunt down targets without requiring the sustenance of food and water.

And so Briar was born.

Her creators wanted an assassin, but all she wanted was to eat, eat, EAT! When her first mission ended in a frenzied, gory failure, the Black Rose decided that Briar was too dangerous to use, but too powerful to be destroyed. In order to control her, they devised a special pillory—locked by a hemolith gemstone—to restrain her and focus her mind. Once shackled with the pillory, Briar, along with the rest of the Black Rose’s living weapons, was quickly deployed during Jericho Swain’s coup against Darkwill.

She was given a handler to help direct her, but when released from her pillory, Briar immediately devoured him and everyone near her—everyone but her target, Swain, who escaped while the living weapon fed upon friend and foe.

After an arduous capture, Swain’s guards managed to trigger Briar’s pillory and restore her restraint, enabling them to transfer her to their holding facility.

Alone in her cell, Briar could focus on nothing except her hunger. Though she couldn't die from starvation, the absence of fresh blood weakened her day by day.

At first, she thought the chorus of crazed wails echoing around her room were her own starving thoughts... until she realized the sounds were drifting in from unseen neighbors. Did Swain’s forces manage to capture other living weapons during the coup? Was she locked up with them now, each having failed their mission? Their purpose?

The voices cried out for blood—a sentiment Briar could relate to. But what she couldn’t stand wasn’t how often they did it, nor how loud they were, but that it was ALL they talked about. Their unrelenting hemomania was the most boring thing she had ever experienced.

As hungry as Briar was—and she was hungry—her thoughts stayed focused on the pitiful sounds of the others. What if she managed to break out of the pillory? Would her frenzy make her even more unhinged than her neighbors? Would she become as single-minded and boring as them? The idea was too horrifying to dwell on, so she instead resigned herself to listless solitude.

Years passed, and the time alone allowed Briar to reflect on herself and consider the possibilities of the world outside her cell. Entertainment consisted of eavesdropping on the guards’ conversations, devising new ways to pester them for raw meat, and agonizing over whether she should race her pet spiders or eat them.

By chance while she was toying with her pillory one day, she inadvertently loosened the hemolith, which settled into a position just short of unlocking the restraint. Briar froze as thoughts of her hemomaniacal neighbors filled her head—is that what she’d become? But then she realized something: Being under control was just as dangerous as being out of control. She wanted to strike the balance.

Having discovered the hemolith’s mechanism, Briar devised a plan.

By this point, the guards were so used to her calls for attention that when she lured one close to her cell, nobody noticed he was missing until it was too late. The guard’s blood surged within her, lighting a fire that had been waiting to spread.

Briar was finally free.

Now the living weapon gleefully roams the streets of Noxus, pillory locked back in place—until she wants to unlock it. As she acclimates to the world outside, with the Black Rose monitoring the unexpected development, Briar eagerly learns all she can, making new friends and discoveries in a world she is starving to experience.

Notable Players[edit]

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Champion Information[edit]

Champion Spotlight[edit]

Champion Theme[edit]

Champion Cinematic[edit]
