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local FnUtil = require('Module:FnUtil')
local Logic = require('Module:Logic')

A thin wrapper around mw.ext.TeamTemplate that memoizes extension calls
local TeamTemplate = {}

Resolves a team template to a specific date. Returns nil if the team does not

Note that team template changes only occur at midnights in the UTC timezone.
So it is safe to pass Y-m-d date strings ('2021-11-08') without time or
timezone parts.
function TeamTemplate.resolve(template, date)
	template = template:gsub('_', ' ')
	local raw = mw.ext.TeamTemplate.raw(template, date)
	return raw and raw.templatename

--- Retrieves the lightmode image and darkmode image for a given team template.
---@param template string
---@return string?
---@return string?
function TeamTemplate.getIcon(template)
	local raw = mw.ext.TeamTemplate.raw(template)
	if raw then
		local icon = Logic.emptyOr(raw.image, raw.legacyimage)
		local iconDark = Logic.emptyOr(raw.imagedark, raw.legacyimagedark)
		return icon, iconDark

Returns the resolved page name of a team template that has been resolved to a
date. Returns nil if the team does not exist, or if the page is not specified.
TeamTemplate.getPageName = FnUtil.memoize(function(resolvedTemplate)
	local raw = mw.ext.TeamTemplate.raw(resolvedTemplate)
	return raw and mw.ext.TeamLiquidIntegration.resolve_redirect(

return TeamTemplate