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Module for some LeagueIconSmall related functions


Programmatic name: LeagueIcon

display(args: list of arguments) → icon display

Displays in a LeagueIconSmall fashion1

getIconFromTemplate(args: list of arguments) → icon, iconDark

Retrieve icon and iconDark from LeagueIconSmall templates

getTemplate(args: list of arguments) → string

Expand a LeagueIconSmall template

generate(args: list of arguments) → Generates copy paste code for new LeagueIconSmall templates.

Requires the Module if it exists and returns the default otherwise.

generateHistorical(args: list of arguments) → Copy-Paste

Generates copy paste code for new historical LeagueIconSmall templates.

See all our documentation here.

display Function[edit]

Displays in a LeagueIconSmall fashion1. If not disabled in case of missing icon entries it will try to fetch the icons from an existing LeagueIconSmall template.


Icon for the light mode display
Icon for the dark mode display (Defaults to icon)
Size the icon is to be displayed
Link that the icon should link to
Name to be displayed during hoover over the icon.
|options= (only available from modules)
Table of options
Disables the option for icons to be fetched from existing LeagueIconSmall templates
Date for which the Module should try to fetch the icons from the existing LeagueIconSmall template
Series for which the Module should try to fetch the icons from the existing LeagueIconSmall template

Example Code[edit]

This Module can be used from inside other modules or direcly from wiki code.




local LeagueIcon = require('Module:LeagueIcon')
local iconDisplay = LeagueIcon.display({
	icon = ...,
	iconDark = ...,
	size = ...,
	link = ...,
	name =...,
	options = { noTemplate = ... },
	date = ...,
	series = ...,

getIconFromTemplate Parameters[edit]

Icon for the light mode display
Icon for the dark mode display
String of the expanded LeagueIconSmall template

getIconFromTemplate Parameters[edit]

Date for which the Module should try to fetch the icons from the existing LeagueIconSmall template
Series for which the Module should try to fetch the icons from the existing LeagueIconSmall template

1displays the icon in dark/light mode (depending on reader mode) in a span with customizable link and hooverDisplay

-- @Liquipedia
-- wiki=commons
-- page=Module:LeagueIcon
-- Please see to contribute

local LeagueIcon = {}
local Class = require('Module:Class')
local Template = require('Module:Template')
local Logic = require('Module:Logic')
local String = require('Module:StringUtils')

local FILLER = '<span class="league-icon-small-image">[[File:Logo filler event.png|link=]]</span>'
local NO_ICON_BUT_ICONDARK_TRACKING_CATEGORY = '[[Category:Pages with only icondark]]'

---@class LeagueIconDisplayArgs
---@field icon string?
---@field iconDark string?
---@field link string?
---@field name string?
---@field date string?
---@field series string?
---@field abbreviation string?
---@field size number?
---@field options {noTemplate: boolean, noLink: boolean}?

---display an image in the fashion of LeagueIconSmall templates
--i.e. it displays the icon in dark/light mode (depending on reader mode)
--in a span with customizable link, hooverDisplay
--can try to retrieve the icon(s) from existing LeagueIconSmall templates
---@param args LeagueIconDisplayArgs
---@return string
function LeagueIcon.display(args)
	local options = args.options or {}

	local size = tonumber(args.size) or 50
	local iconDark = args.iconDark
	local icon = args.icon
	local trackingCategory = ''
	if not Logic.readBool(options.noTemplate) and String.isEmpty(icon) and String.isEmpty(iconDark) then
		local stringOfExpandedTemplate = LeagueIcon.getTemplate({
			series = args.series,
			abbreviation = args.abbreviation,
			date =
		icon, iconDark, trackingCategory = LeagueIcon.getIconFromTemplate({
			icon = icon,
			iconDark = iconDark,
			stringOfExpandedTemplate = stringOfExpandedTemplate

	--if icon and iconDark are not given and can not be retrieved return filler icon
	if String.isEmpty(icon) and String.isEmpty(iconDark) then
		return FILLER

	if String.isEmpty(icon) then
		icon = iconDark
	---@cast icon -nil

	if String.isEmpty(iconDark) then
		iconDark = icon
	---@cast iconDark -nil

	local link
	if Logic.readBool(options.noLink) then
		link = ''
		link = or args.series or args.abbreviation or or ''
	return LeagueIcon._make(icon, iconDark, link,, size) .. trackingCategory

---@param icon string
---@param iconDark string
---@param link string
---@param name string
---@param size number
---@return string
function LeagueIcon._make(icon, iconDark, link, name, size)
	--remove "File:" prefix from icons due to legacy reasons
	--this should be removed once all wikis use the standardized infobox league
	icon = string.gsub(icon, '^File:', '')
	iconDark = string.gsub(iconDark, '^File:', '')

	local imageOptions = '|link=' .. link .. '|' .. (name or link) .. '|' .. size .. 'x' .. size .. 'px]]'

	if icon == iconDark then
		return tostring(mw.html.create('span')
		:wikitext('[[File:' .. icon .. imageOptions))

	local lightSpan = mw.html.create('span')
		:addClass('league-icon-small-image lightmode')
		:wikitext('[[File:' .. icon .. imageOptions)
	local darkSpan = mw.html.create('span')
		:addClass('league-icon-small-image darkmode')
		:wikitext('[[File:' .. iconDark .. imageOptions)
	return tostring(lightSpan) .. tostring(darkSpan)

---Retrieve icon and iconDark from LeagueIconSmall templates
---@param args {icon: string?, iconDark: string?, stringOfExpandedTemplate: string?}
---@return string, string, string
function LeagueIcon.getIconFromTemplate(args)
	args = args or {}
	local trackingCategory = ''
	local icon = args.icon
	local iconDark = args.iconDark
	local stringOfExpandedTemplate = args.stringOfExpandedTemplate

	--if LeagueIconSmall template exists retrieve the icons from it
	if String.isEmpty(icon) and String.isEmpty(iconDark) and stringOfExpandedTemplate then
		local stringOfExpandedTemplateArray = mw.text.split(stringOfExpandedTemplate, 'File:')

		--extract series icon from template:LeagueIconSmall
		local iconArray = mw.text.split(stringOfExpandedTemplateArray[2] or '', '|')
		icon = iconArray[1]
		--when Template:LeagueIconSmall has a darkmode icon retrieve that from the template too
		if String.isEmpty(iconDark) then
			local iconDarkArray = mw.text.split(stringOfExpandedTemplateArray[3] or '', '|')
			iconDark = iconDarkArray[1]
	elseif String.isEmpty(icon) then
		if String.isNotEmpty(iconDark) then
		icon = iconDark or ''
	---@cast icon -nil

	if String.isEmpty(iconDark) then
		iconDark = icon
	---@cast iconDark -nil

	return icon, iconDark, trackingCategory

---@param args {series: string?, abbreviation: string?, date: string?}
---@return string?
function LeagueIcon.getTemplate(args)
	args = args or {}
	local series = args.series
	local abbreviation = args.abbreviation
	local date =
	local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
	local stringOfExpandedTemplate = 'false'
	if not String.isEmpty(series) then
		---@cast series -nil
		stringOfExpandedTemplate = Template.safeExpand(
			'LeagueIconSmall/' .. string.lower(series),
			{ date = date },
	--if LeagueIconSmall template doesn't exist for the series try the abbreviation
	if stringOfExpandedTemplate == 'false' and not String.isEmpty(abbreviation) then
		---@cast abbreviation -nil
		stringOfExpandedTemplate = Template.safeExpand(
			'LeagueIconSmall/' .. string.lower(abbreviation),
			{date = date},
	if stringOfExpandedTemplate == 'false' then
		return nil
	return stringOfExpandedTemplate

---@class LeagueIconGenerateArgs
---@field icon string
---@field iconDark string?
---@field link string?
---@field name string?
---@field series string?

--generate copy paste code for new LeagueIconSmall templates
--to be used with a form
---@param args LeagueIconGenerateArgs
---@return string
function LeagueIcon.generate(args)
	local link = or args.series
	if String.isEmpty(link) then
		error('No series/link specified')
	local name = or link

	local icon = args.icon
	if String.isEmpty(icon) then
		error('No icon file specified')
	local iconDark = args.iconDark or icon

	local imageOptions = '|link={{{1|{{{link|' .. link .. '}}}}}}|{{{name|{{{1|{{{link|' .. name .. '}}}}}}}}}|50x50px]]'

	if icon == iconDark then
		return '<pre class="selectall" width=50%>' .. mw.text.nowiki(
			'<span class="league-icon-small-image">' ..
			'[[File:' .. icon .. imageOptions .. '</span><!--\n' ..
			'--><noinclude>[[Category:Small League Icon Templates]]</noinclude>') .. '</pre>'
			.. LeagueIcon._buildLinkToTemplate(args)

	return '<pre class="selectall" width=50%>' .. mw.text.nowiki(
		'<span class="league-icon-small-image lightmode">' ..
		'[[File:' .. icon .. imageOptions .. '</span><!--\n' ..
		'--><span class="league-icon-small-image darkmode">' ..
		'[[File:' .. iconDark .. imageOptions .. '</span><!--\n' ..
		'--><noinclude>[[Category:Small League Icon Templates]]</noinclude>') .. '</pre>'
		.. LeagueIcon._buildLinkToTemplate(args)

--generate copy paste code for new historical LeagueIconSmall templates
--to be used with a form
---@param args table
---@return string
function LeagueIcon.generateHistorical(args)
	local title = args.title or args.series
	if String.isEmpty(title) then
		error('No template title specified')
	local link = or title
	local name = or link
	local timeName = title:lower() .. 'time'

	local currentSubTemplate = args.subtemplate0
	local switchDate = args.date1
	local nextSubTemplate = args.subtemplate1
	if String.isEmpty(currentSubTemplate) or String.isEmpty(switchDate) or String.isEmpty(nextSubTemplate) then
		error('Missing mandatory subtemplate or switch date')

	local defineTime = '{{#vardefine:' .. timeName .. '|{{#time:U|{{{date|{{#replace:{{#replace:{{#explode:'
		.. '{{#var:date|{{#var:edate|{{#var:sdate|{{CURRENTYEAR}}-{{CURRENTMONTH}}-{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}}}}}'
		.. '|<}}|-XX|}}|-??|}}}}}}}}}<!-- this variable name needs to be unique --><!--\n'

	local comparisons = '{{#time:U|' .. switchDate .. '}} < {{#var:' .. timeName .. '}}|'
			.. '{{LeagueIconSmall/' .. nextSubTemplate:lower() .. '|link={{{link|' .. link .. '}}}'
			.. '|name={{{name|' .. name .. '}}} }}}}<!--\n'
			.. '-->{{#ifexpr:{{#time:U|' .. switchDate .. '}} >= {{#var:' .. timeName .. '}}|'
			.. '{{LeagueIconSmall/' .. currentSubTemplate:lower() .. '|link={{{link|' .. link .. '}}}'
			.. '|name={{{name|' .. name .. '}}} }}}}<!--\n'

	local index = 2
	currentSubTemplate = nextSubTemplate
	switchDate = args['date' .. index]
	nextSubTemplate = args['subtemplate' .. index]

	while not (String.isEmpty(currentSubTemplate) or String.isEmpty(switchDate) or String.isEmpty(nextSubTemplate)) do
		comparisons = '{{#time:U|' .. switchDate .. '}} < {{#var:' .. timeName .. '}}|'
			.. '{{LeagueIconSmall/' .. nextSubTemplate:lower() .. '|link={{{link|' .. link .. '}}}'
			.. '|name={{{name|' .. name .. '}}} }}}}<!--\n'
			.. '-->{{#ifexpr:{{#time:U|' .. switchDate .. '}} >= {{#var:' .. timeName .. '}} AND '
			.. comparisons
		index = index + 1
		currentSubTemplate = nextSubTemplate
		switchDate = args['date' .. index]
		nextSubTemplate = args['subtemplate' .. index]
	comparisons = '-->{{#ifexpr:' .. comparisons

	return '<pre class="selectall" width=50%>' .. mw.text.nowiki(
			defineTime .. comparisons .. '--><noinclude>[[Category:Historical Small League Icon template]]</noinclude>'
		) .. '</pre>' .. LeagueIcon._buildLinkToTemplate(args)

---@param args {templateName: string?, wiki: string?}
---@return string
function LeagueIcon._buildLinkToTemplate(args)
	if String.isEmpty(args.templateName) or String.isEmpty( then
		return ''

	return '<br><b>Link to the template page:</b> [[' .. ..
		':Template:LeagueIconSmall/' .. args.templateName:lower() .. ']]'

return Class.export(LeagueIcon, { frameOnly = true })