How to Search


  1. Enter keywords in the Search box at top.
  2. Make your selection from the auto-fill list.


Select Advanced Search on top bar to create the custom sets of deals, companies, or investors.

  1. Select an applicable category displayed at top from: Research ♦ Companies ♦ Deals ♦ Investors ♦ News.
  2. Select filters on left. As you add new criteria, the results in the center window are dynamically updated.
  3. Browse across all the categories at top to see all pertinent to your search information, e.g. deals, investors, etc.
  4. With the results displayed, you may perform additional operations:
  • Click Edit Columns  at top right to customize results' display
  • Toggle between List or Table display for Companies and Investors results
  • On the Companies list, select companies of interest and click View Story   to create PowerPoint or PDF slides with cumulative peer analysis for selected companies. Click the Download icon in the top right corner to save the presentation or click the Present to view the presentation on your computer.
  1. Select items to download and click the Download on top bar. Note the download limit in CB Insights Credits section of this guide in the left column.


Research Search

Find CB Insights research reports and briefings on investment climate, emerging technologies, companies' valuations and more.

  1. Click Research in the left column.
  2. Select category at top from: IndustriesGeographiesTechnologies & TopicssInfographicsReportsWebinars. Open the drop-down list in each category to find the topic of interest.

NOTE: Expert Intelligence reports are not included in the academic subscription.

Alternatively, use the keyword search and select CB Insights Research category at top. See: How To Search section of this guide.

Industry Analytics

Industry Analytics is a visual presentation of investment activities across industries and geographies for the latest 10 year and also a valuable tool for analyzing 230+ markets and examining market trends from the investment perspective.
View industry analytics by selecting either of the four tabs at top:

  • Heatmap – visual analytics on combined size of funding and deals across industries.
  • Exits - visual analytics on number of exits across industries.
  • Geographies - visual analytics on combined size of funding and deals within industries across the world geographies.

All three above views offer the similar additional features:

  • Click any individual interactive segment for more detailed view. For example, click industry map to open the views for subindustries.
  • Use the sliders at top of the display window to change coverage period for up-to the latest 10 years in quarterly increments.
  • Click the View Data below the map on right at the bottom to present analytics in data format
  • Mosaic - a table with the comprehensive most recent industry analytics. Mosaic number in the first column represents a score assigned by the CB Insights analysts to individual industries based on the industry's growth and performance.

    For detailed view of the industry’s activity, click the industry’s name in Mosaic.