One region, all voices

International relations

HispanTV: Iran’s Voice in Latin America

The Iranian public media, aimed at a Hispanic audience, is part of Iran's soft power strategy to influence political changes in Latin America and Spain.

The worrying presence of the U.S. in Brazil’s migration policy

The U.S. government intervenes in the implementation of public policies in Brazil by funding and structuring migrant assistance services, limiting access to such assistance to certain nationalities and segmenting their rights.

Javier Milei’s 120 days: a déjà vu?

Milei has established a model of unconditional alignment with the “Western world”, in particular with the United States and Israel, which is consolidated with the request to join NATO.

China in South America: Impacts of the Space Plan

The agreement between Argentina and China on the installation of a Chinese space station in the town of Bajada del Agrio sparked controversies that persist to this day due to the secrecy of the negotiation.

Biden Should Undo Trump’s Mistakes in Latin America

The presence in Latin America of China, Iran, Russia or any other non-Western actor need not be the sole purpose of U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America.

Why does most of the Latin American left support Putin?

In addition to the absolute support of the autocrats Maduro, Díaz-Canel and Ortega to the Russian invasion, the leftist governments of Lula da Silva and Petro have also consented to the invasion of this ultra-right regime.