One region, all voices

Silenced voices: the impact of workplace mobbing on Latin American women

Workplace mobbing, an insidious form of harassment that erodes the dignity and self-esteem of those who suffer from it, is a heartbreaking reality for many women in the region.

Gender and Intersectionality of Inequalities

The economic value of unpaid care work performed by women tripling the size of the global technology industry.

Coup attempt or political dramatization?

The complex situation in which the president finds himself, combined with a coup attempt with little chance of success led by a government ideologue, has generated doubts in certain sectors.

Why should we talk about climate justice?

The notion of climate justice brings to the table the unequal historical and present responsibilities of countries, companies, and individuals regarding the climate crisis.

Climate change

Water scarcity: an environmental approach to sustainability

Water affects all aspects of development. This is why it is necessary to address its problems in a comprehensive, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary manner.

Vulnerabilities exposed by sea level rise

In Panama, between 2% and 3% of the currently existing land area will be affected by sea level rise by 2050.

Agri-food Trade: Latin America at the Crossroads of Climate Change

We must consider how to carry out the transition without harming subsistence economies or the income derived from the export of extensive agricultural production.

Democracy challenges

Without growth there is no paradise

The current economic stagnation in the region has become the turning point for a development model that reached its peak after the end of the boom.

Main keys to the Panamanian presidential elections

Ricardo Martinelli led all polls for years. But after being disqualified by a sentence of more than 10 years in prison for money laundering, he was relieved by José Raúl Mulino, who is emerging as the probable winner.

Super Election Year: Migration, Freedom and Democracy

Migration has become a central part of the campaign discourse across the political spectrum. In this scenario, narratives that stigmatize migrants and refugees and promote xenophobic actions, are increasingly frequent.

Open Government in Mexico: a curable myopia?

Open Government, as the form of governance that seeks to deepen the role of citizens participating in public decision-making is known, is an alternative to the chronic threat to democracies.


The strange case of the 9,000 missing dead in Cuba

At the beginning of 2022, the percentage of fully immunized Cubans reached more than 90%. How can we explain that in 2022 there was an excess of between 9,000 and 12,000 deaths?

Fraud is not usual, but conspiracy theories are

Coauthors Luciana Fernandes Veiga and Vitória Peres Questioning the fairness of the process is legitimate. However, what has been observed is the use of this discourse as a political strategy to delegitimize the electoral result.

Digital gangsters

Hate speech generates engagement, a phenomenon that can be measured by the interaction of network users, and produces information that increases the big data of huge platforms.

Consequences of Disinformation in Society

Disinformation is a central issue for people, and can even have implications for physical health.

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Dollarization in Argentina and why you shouldn’t put tractor tires on...

Dollarization was the core element in Javier Milei's campaign and, undoubtedly, one of those pragmatic proposals that most resonated with the Argentine electorate. What would dollarization of the Argentine economy imply?
Jerónimo Giorgi

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Professor at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá) and PhD candidate in Law at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Specializing in migration movements, gender studies and Venezuelan politics.
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Political scientist and economist. PhD from the University of Toronto. Senior Editor at Global Brief Magazine. Social Research Design Specialist at RIWI Corp. (Real-Time Interactive World-Wide Intelligence).
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Political scientist. Professor and researcher at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). PhD in Political Science from IUPERJ (current IESP / UERJ). Researcher at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) - Núcleo Europa.
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Associate Researcher at the Center for the Study of State and Society - CEDES (Buenos Aires). Author of "Latin America Global Insertion, Energy Transition, and Sustainable Development", Cambridge University Press, 2020.
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Science and policy advisor at IAI (Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research) and member of the International Council of the Global Society on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health.