One region, all voices


Are violent election campaigns a global trend?

An increasing number of countries are experiencing electoral processes marked by kidnappings, attacks, and assassinations. Candidates must not only worry about votes; they must now try to make it to the polls alive.

Argentina: The agony of the “status quo” regime

After forty years, the contrast between yesterday's hopes and today's disappointment explains to a large extent the rise of a "government of opinion" that supports President Javier Milei.

Presidencies under tutelage, between charisma and legal legitimacy

Charismatic leaders tend to surpass their governments and become engines of political projects, while those who assume power by legal means face the challenge of creating an aura of their own.

The agonizing field of politics in Mexico

What remains as a lesson from the historical battles is that social movements, armed conflicts and ideological struggles can have crucial repercussions, transforming or violating the political field.

Popular Populists

Populists are popular, so it is necessary, more than ever, to listen to them and take them seriously, before this type of leadership becomes more popular than democracy itself.

Milei and the rupture of political science

In six months, Milei has not been able to pass any legislation in Congress due to his parliamentary minority, but also to his demonstrated political inability to forge alliances.