One region, all voices

Public opinion

Goodbye winters?

With radical changes in climate, our habits, perceptions, and reactions to the causes should change. But is that what public opinion data tell us?

The rise of the multispecies family

Changes in family structures and the increase in the number of people living alone leave uncovered spaces at the affective level that are increasingly occupied by pets, four-legged companions.

The challenge of strengthening democracy in the middle of a democratic backlash

Two of the basic conditions for a healthy democracy are at risk with the perception that governments are not really run by the will of the people and the lack of transparency and fairness in elections.

Latin America in the face of climate change

The synergy between collective awareness and concrete political action is emerging as one of the keys to effectively addressing environmental challenges, aiming to mitigate their adverse effects and promote sustainable development.

Challenges to electoral polls in the digital era

The discrepancy between poll predictions and election results has sparked a profound debate about their effectiveness and relevance in contemporary society. This has led to questions about their usefulness.

Brazil: where did all those protesters go?

The last twelve months have seen a deactivation of demonstrations and popular participation in Brazil that came as a surprise at least until Sunday, February 25, when Bolsonaro called on his supporters to show their mobilizing strength. How do we interpret the absence of mobilizations in the streets?