One region, all voices


At this rate, it will take us almost 300 years to achieve gender equality

The lag in the installation of a comprehensive care system has a decisive impact on equity and equal rights between men and women.

Gender and Intersectionality of Inequalities

The economic value of unpaid care work performed by women tripling the size of the global technology industry.

Brazil against Women

Setbacks in women's reproductive rights are related to the presence and violent language of extremist political leaders and disinformation processes.

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, Mexico’s President

In addition to the problems she will have to face as any president, Claudia Sheinbaum will have to overcome additional obstacles due to the fact that she is a woman. However, there is no doubt that a new page in Mexico's political history begins.

Why is the care economy important?

Given the significant influence of the care economy, it is crucial that Latin American governments implement care policies to combat inequality, ensure a high quality of life and reduce poverty through development.

Gender equality in Brazil: progress or mirage?

What could explain the discrepancy between an increasing favorable perception of gender equality and the alarming data on insecurity and violence against women and reduced career opportunities?