One region, all voices

Climate change

Goodbye winters?

With radical changes in climate, our habits, perceptions, and reactions to the causes should change. But is that what public opinion data tell us?

Why should we talk about climate justice?

The notion of climate justice brings to the table the unequal historical and present responsibilities of countries, companies, and individuals regarding the climate crisis.

Brazil: an environmental disaster foretold

Southern Brazil is underwater. What was exceptional is now part of the new normal. Adaptation, climate emergency plans and the valuation of ecosystems must be incorporated into policy. It is about the world we will leave to our sons and daughters.

What is the update on the energy transition in the region?

Every crisis imposes challenges, but also opens windows of opportunity and change that are seized by some. Others, however, are prostrated in despair and fear.

Dismantling of policies is responsible for the biggest climate crisis in Brazil

The climate crisis in Rio Grande do Sul is already the largest in Brazil's history, but when the water recedes we will have more accurate information about the destroyed infrastructure, lost livelihoods, economic losses, and, above all, the death toll.

Rio Grande do Sul: where there are no innocent, people look for the culprits

The climate tragedy that has devastated the State of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil has opened the stage for the struggle to identify the culprits for the tragedy. For some, the magnitude of the catastrophe is an expression of a political outcome.