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María Villarreal

Political scientist. Professor of International Relations at Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and in the Postgraduate Program in Political Science at UNIRIO. PhD in Political Science from the Complutense University of Madrid.

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Why should we talk about climate justice?

The notion of climate justice brings to the table the unequal historical and present responsibilities of countries, companies, and individuals regarding the climate crisis.

Climate change also causes migration

Hunger, food insecurity and the rise of various diseases caused by climate change, as well as the global loss of biodiversity, force millions of people to leave their homes every year.

We need more gender equality to save the planet

To save the planet, it is a priority to make the role of women visible, promote gender equality in all its dimensions, and achieve their representation and full participation in decision-making.

The assassination of Fernando Villavicencio and the Ecuadorian elections of 2023

The assassination of the candidate marks a turning point for Ecuador's future and highlights the growing challenge of transnational organized crime.

Women’s rights are going backward in the world

The backlash against women's rights is the result of an alliance of heterogeneous groups that include conservative parties and movements, fundamentalist and anti-rights sectors.   

Lula and the challenge of governing for 215 million Brazilians

The inauguration of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as the new president was marked by the handing over of the presidential sash by representatives of the people, after Bolsonaro's refusal and his departure to the United States.

Armenian presence in Latin America

Coauthor Júlia Tordeur The community of citizens of Armenian origin in Latin America, although not the largest, stands out as one of the most active, heterogeneous and influential in the region.

Climate Change Impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean

Climate change impacts are differentiated and have greater weight in regions such as Latin America, whose territory is particularly vulnerable to natural disasters.

Victory for Lula, Democracy Triumphs

Despite Jair Bolsonaro's threats and attempts to hinder the electoral process, the victory of the largest broad front since the military dictatorship is clearly the victory of democracy.

The Escazú Agreement and Environmental Democracy

The agreement marks a turning point in the regional environmental agenda and has enormous potential in the process of building fairer, more equitable and sustainable societies. Once it comes into force, our task as citizens will be to work to ensure that it is ratified by all countries and becomes a reality.