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Jesús Delgado Valery

Executive Director of Transparencia Electoral. Degree in International Relations from Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Candidate for a Master's Degree in Electoral Studies at Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM / Argentina).

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Why does not Maduro want the European Union to observe the elections?

In Venezuela, the electoral conditions for the next vote are even worse than in 2021, and popular support for the opposition is much stronger.

Maduro’s suspicious role in electoral observation

Autocratic regimes use intervened or politicized electoral observation as a tactic to buy legitimacy and mitigate the influence of independent organizations.

Over 10 million Venezuelans are being deprived of their right to vote 

Is one month enough to register and update the registry of more than 10 million people? It is clear that the will of the regime, through the CNE, is to deprive those 10 million Venezuelans from voting.

State inability threatens democracy in the region

2022 was the sixth consecutive year of democratic regression. This persistent decline raises crucial questions about the viability and sustainability of democratic values on a global scale and the challenges facing the current political landscape.

Argentine elections: a tilted playing field and limitations to citizen auditing

Although international indexes classify Argentina's democracy with acceptable levels and its national elections are positively valued, there is a whole range of bad practices that have become naturalized.