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Questions tagged [acronyms]

An acronym (Hebrew: ראשי תיבות, rashei teivot) is a shortened form of a phrase, usually consisting of the first letters of each word.

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Signature of Rav Ovadia Hedaya

Rav Ovadia Hedaya ends a number of teshuvos in Yaskil Avdi with the letters וצוי״מ ומי״נ כיר׳א - what is the meaning of this abbreviation?
NJM's user avatar
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Who is מהרי''א?

Meir Leibush ben Yehiel Michel Wisser constantly refers to מהרי''א? What is his full name? For example (Malbim on Shmuel II 22:1): אך למה הוצג גם כאן, ולמה באו פה שנויים רבים וחלופים בתיבות ובאותיות, ...
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Why is יעל קגם out of order?

While the Gemara usually sides with Rava, there are famously 6 places where we say the Halacha is like Abaye, known as יע"ל קג"ם (as explained by Rashi) יאוש שלא מדעת - אביי אמר לא הוי יאוש ...
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Who is the author ע״ש quoted by באר היטב?

The באר היטב in חושן משפט quotes a posek ע״ש (not עיין שם). For example, ס׳ מ״ב ס׳ק ז: כגון. כתב הע"ש אבל אם כתב ר"ת כגון י"ב י"ג כשר שא"א לזייף וליכא למיחש שמא הי' כתוב ב' ...
jacob's user avatar
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What does the abbreviation א״ mean? [closed]

I had a look on Wikipedia but cannot find what an Aleph with gershayim at the top left stands for.
Jake Wilson's user avatar
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What’s the meaning of the abbreviation (ז"��)?

What’s the meaning the abbreviation (ז"פ)? Example as found in Sefer HaGoralot by Rabbi Chaim Vital: “ וזאת היא התפלה שצריך להתפלל קודם שישליך הגורל: אנא בכח גדולת ימינך תתיר צרורה ז"פ.” ...
Jardel Silva's user avatar
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Meaning of the roshei teivot והיע"ב אכי"ר [closed]

The second part of the reshei tevot והיע"ב אכי"ר is of course amen kein yehi ratzon "so it may be His will", but I do not know the first part, היע"ב. Any thoughts would be ...
SimpleYid's user avatar
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What does ממנ”פ mean?

I've seen the acronym ממנ”פ in multiple places but I am not sure what it means. קיצורים וראשי תיבות בעברית indicates that it means ממערכת נשימה פנימית but I am not sure if that is correct. Here are ...
Asher Ross's user avatar
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What is the מסכ"י?

While it is common to find the reshei tevot מס"כ (מסכת: -כלה, -כלאים, -כלים, -כריתות, -כתובות), it is less so to find מסכ"י. For instance, you find this in a phrase like עד כאן לשונו מסכ&...
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Reshei tevot question

Please, I would like to know the meaning of the reshei tevot בנד"מ as found, for example, in a situation like בנד"מ דף י"ג ��"א. Thanks!
SimpleYid's user avatar
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Source for Hardest Masechtos

I once saw that the hardest Masechtos in Shas are alluded to in "כל ימי -עני- רעים" (Mishlei 15:15), with ע standing for עירובין, and נ for נדרים (alternatively I've seen נדה or נזיר), ...
user907a's user avatar
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Is ב״ה Baruch HaShem or Bezrat HaShem?

Is ב״ה Baruch HaShem or Bezrat HaShem? Why did The Rebbe begin every letter with it?
Aviel Ben David's user avatar
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What does פ׳ ב׳ פ׳ stand for in the context of prayer (specifically related to prayer #8 of the Amidah)?

In the Siddur I am using (Siddurenu, The Prayer Book Press, 1961), there is a supplemental prayer directly below prayer #8 of the Amida (on page 56) that prays for healing of specific individuals. (It ...
Rasputin's user avatar
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לפ"ד ש"פ Acronym deciphering

In Beur Hagra EH 7.14, SK 54, there is an Acronym I don't understand "ל"ד ש"פ". Can someone help me?
kouty's user avatar
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Use of יצ"ו, expanded to יבנה ציון וירושלים (May He build Zion and Jerusalem), how and where used?

I'm trying to remember where I have seen this (יצ"ו) used. I think it appears sometimes in sefarim, sometimes after the names of towns (not in Israel), and that the intent is to hope for the ...
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