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Douglas County Youth Center
Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC)
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Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC)
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The Douglas County Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC) is dedicated to improving the lives of youth by helping to strengthen and support children and families who are involved, or at risk of becoming involved with the juvenile justice system. The Juvenile Assessment Center believes each youth should be supported based on individual risks and needs.

The Douglas County Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC) provides the cornerstone of evidence-based practices for juvenile justice youth services: screening and assessment. The JAC serves as the focal point for the comprehensive assessment of youth coming to the attention of the Douglas County attorney's Office (DCAO). The JAC provides to the DCAO recommendations for the most efficient and effective interventions and supervision levels for each youth.

The JAC strives to divert all eligible youth from formal processing, while recommending interventions to prevent further law violations, and enhance the productive growth of young citizens. The JAC utilizes evidence-based principles such as the risk/need/ responsivity principle by making targeted referrals, based on screening and assessment, and referring to service providers in the community utilizing evidence-based principles, as well as monitoring utilization and effectiveness of each of these services.



  • Systematic intake and processing
  • Standardized, objective screening and assessment instruments are administered
  • Youth and family are partners in the process; youth and family input and collaboration are crucial components of the assessment process
  • Assessment results drive the justice system's response to the youth
  • Emphasis is on matching the youth's needs with support/treatment/supervision, which diminishes the likelihood of re-offense, and provides the  youth the opportunity for growth and rehabilitation
  • Philosophy is to intervene as early, effectively, and often as possible to disrupt the youth's progress as a law violators and to promote healthy development.
  • Collaboration with Community Agencies and Service Providers to develop program capacity which meets youth and family needs, and gives the justice system a wide and effective selection of service and support options for youth and families 

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