Luca Sorbello

Roma, Lazio, Italia Informazioni di contatto
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  • Integration of two-dimensional materials-based perovskite solar panels into a stand-alone solar farm

    Nature Energy

    As a vital step towards the industrialization of perovskite solar cells, outdoor field tests of large-scale perovskite modules and panels represent a mandatory step to be accomplished. Here we demonstrate the manufacturing of large-area (0.5 m2) perovskite solar panels, each containing 40 modules whose interfaces are engineered with two-dimensional materials (GRAphene-PErovskite (GRAPE) panels). We further integrate nine GRAPE panels for a total panel area of 4.5 m2 in a stand-alone solar farm…

    As a vital step towards the industrialization of perovskite solar cells, outdoor field tests of large-scale perovskite modules and panels represent a mandatory step to be accomplished. Here we demonstrate the manufacturing of large-area (0.5 m2) perovskite solar panels, each containing 40 modules whose interfaces are engineered with two-dimensional materials (GRAphene-PErovskite (GRAPE) panels). We further integrate nine GRAPE panels for a total panel area of 4.5 m2 in a stand-alone solar farm infrastructure with peak power exceeding 250 W, proving the scalability of this technology. We provide insights on the system operation by analysing the panel characteristics as a function of temperature and light intensity. The analysis, carried out over a months-long timescale, highlights the key role of the lamination process of the panels on the entire system degradation. A life-cycle assessment based on primary data indicates the high commercial potential of the GRAPE panel technology in terms of energy and environmental performances.

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  • Sorbello L., Preparation of a Textile-Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell,

    International Journal of Photoenergy, Vol 2016, Article ID 3796074

    Altri autori
  • Digital car for digital natives – cool and renewable,

    IRENEC conference, 6-8 October 2011, Maltepe – Istanbul Turkey

  • Dyesol Approach to DSSC State of the Art and Future Developments,

    Workshop on new materials for renewable energy , ICTP in Trieste

  • Selling the green revolution, not green–washing it

    Critical Management Studies Conference

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  • A talking territory the advantages of M2M and augmented reality

    international summer school gestione e promozione sostenibile del territorio - DSEEA Università di Perugia

  • Auto digitale, nuovo paradigma per la mobilità elettrica

    zero emission Roma

  • auto digitale, nuovo modello di sviluppo,

    moving planet conference, Roma, Italia

  • Measurement of performance variations due to student interactions in an asynchronous e-learning environment

    Proceedings of the conference IMCL2007 ISBN 978-3-89958-276-5

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  • A holistic evaluation of open source e-learning platforms for Mediterranean countries

    Management Education in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: Proccedings of the international conference to mark the 50th anniversary of ISIDA: Palermo

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  • Semafori a LED il controllo ambientale e l’energy management per i servizi di pubblica utilità,(Led traffic lights and energy management for public services)

    Conference “L'energia solare: tra nuove tecnologie e frutti di bosco” (Solar energy: between new technologies and raspberries)Rome

  • Technological and organizational innovations for fish trackability and logistics

    Rassegna internazionale del pescato (International fishing conference), Siracusa

  • Content ed e-content, filosofie a confronto,( Content and e-content, two approaches comparison)

    Report at Conference E-Learning: strutturazione dei contenuti didattici (E-learning, content structure) at La Sapienza Roma

  • Exploring the introduction of warping to the eigen faces

    Computer vision conference

    Short report at image processing conference.

  • A short introduction to image compressing

    University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

    Notes for the course of image processing at the department of information science at Università la Sapienza in Rome


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