The European House-Ambrosetti

The European House-Ambrosetti

Consulenza e servizi aziendali

Milan, Lomb. 53.688 follower

#TEHA 1st Italian Private Think Tank and management consulting

Chi siamo

The European House - Ambrosetti is a professional group founded in 1965 which, over the years, has developed a number of activities in Italy, Europe and the rest of the world, also thanks to the dynamic contribution of other Senior Partners. By professional group we mean a group of professionals with its own know-how that is homogeneous, distinctive, complementary and synergic, resulting in a top-level team. Our solid base of competence in what we do is our ability to provide support to companies in the integrated and synergic management of the 4 critical aspects in value-creating processes: SEEING, reading and interpreting the basic trends in the reference scenario through a multidisciplinary approach in order to understand which elements are decisive for strategic and organizational choices; DESIGNING, through formulating innovative strategic choices that guarantee real competitive advantage by exploiting discontinuities in the competitive scenario; IMPLEMENTING, by translating choices and goals into concrete results using structured models to manage activities, strategic projects and critical processes; VALORIZING the company's human resources, in the knowledge that organizations are comprised, above all, of people who must be motivated, guided and allowed to grow professionally. For each of these aspects, our Group has developed services, tools and innovative methods suited to companies of all sizes, geographical area and business sector, in four different areas of activity: - Think Tank - Management Consulting - Leaders' Education - Summits & Workshops & Forums Our Group vaunts an invaluable world-wide network of contacts on the highest level in the sectors in which it operates, including top-level decision-makers within multi-national institutions and on an individual country level. The Group operates as an “open system”, including within our working teams targeted external experts with top expertise in specific areas

Sito Web
Consulenza e servizi aziendali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milan, Lomb.
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


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