

Architettura e pianificazione

Milano, Lombardia 1.644 follower


Chi siamo

P'ARCNOUVEAU is an urban design and landscape architecture practice based in Milano. Estabilished in 2008, is led by Margherita Brianza and Luca Manzocchi. We believe that landscape design means manage the apparent wildness of the Nature, accepting the unpredictable complexity and looking for coexistence of order and disorder, and creating a new place. Design a landscape means think avoiding general static rules, establishing new connections looking for a new balance between nature and culture. Every society faces nature through its own culture. We deeply love the possibility we have to interpret societies, therefore give an answer to people needs across new spaces which could encourage and inspire new behavior. Landscape is the home where we all live, open spaces are our gathering places where we measure our civilization’s level; working on ourselves means contribute to the sense of familiar belonging that everybody has with nature and society.

Sito Web
Architettura e pianificazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, Lombardia
Società di persone
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Urban Design e Landscape Architecture


Dipendenti presso parcnouveau


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