Now showing items 1-20 of 36

    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 2002)
      When the American republics founded the Pan American Health Organization in 1902, they reified a collective hemispheric vision that, together, they could improve health throughout the Region. Over the century—across an arc ...
    • Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPSWashington, D.C., 1966)
      [INTRODUCCION]: El presente informe es el quinto de una serie sobre las condiciones de salud en las Américas que abarca el período de 1950 a 1964. Los tres primeros informes se prepararon para su presentación a las XIV, ...
    • Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS, 1970)
      [INTRODUCCION] A partir del año 1954 y con motivo de' la XIV Conferencia Sanitaria Panamericana se comenzó a publicar el informe cuadrienal sobre las condiciones de salud en las Américas para cada Conferencia. El presente ...
    • Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPSUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 1986)
      [Prefacio]. Las condiciones de salud en las Américas, 19811984 es la obra más reciente de la serie de informes cuadrienales iniciados en 1954, que resumen el estado de salud de los pueblos de la Región y se presentan a la ...
    • Organización Panamericana de la Salud (1986)
      Este segundo volumen de Las condiciones de salud en las Américas, 1981-1984 contiene las evaluaciones del contexto general de salud (factores sociales, políticos y económicos, demografía y mortalidad), el estado de salud ...
    • Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS, 1990)
      Las condiciones de salud en las Américas, edición de 1990, constituye cl décimo de tina serie de informes cuadrienales publicados a partir de 1954 para documentar los adelantos en salud alcanzados por los Gobiernos Miembros ...
    • Macedo, Carlyle Guerra de (1994)
    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 1966)
      [INTRODUCTION]: The present report is the fifth in a series on health conditions in the Americas covering the period from 1950 to 1964. The first three were prepared .for the XIV, XV and XVI Pan American Sanitary Conferences, ...
    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 1970)
      [Foreword]. Twenty years have elapsed since the Pan American Sanitary Bureau initiated, at the mandate of the Governing Bodies, the collection and analysis of data from the Governments which have permitted the publication ...
    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHOWashington, D.C., 1970)
      [INTRODUCTION]: Beginning with the XIV Pan American Sanitary Conference in 1954 a four-year report on health conditions in the Americas has been prepared for each Conference. The present report for the XVIII Pan American ...
    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 1974)
      [Preface]. The theme of this publication, the sixth in a series started in 1954, is Health Conditions in the Americas, 1969-1972. The series began as a mere compilation of data, b u t it is gradually taking on the character ...
    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 1978)
      [Preface]. Health Conditions in the Americas, 1973-1976 is the seventh in a series on the subject prepared for successive Pan American Sanitary Conferences. It is based on data submitted by the Governments of the Americas ...
    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 1982)
      [Foreword]. This report on Health Conditions in the Americas, 1977-1980 covers the period of transition be tween the end o f the program set forth in the Ten-Year Health Plan for the Americas1 (1 9 7 0 -1 9 8 0 ) and the ...
    • Pan American Health Organization (United StatesWashington, D.C., 1986)
      [Preface]. This second volume of Health Conditions in the Americas, 1981-1984 presents individual country evaluations of the general context of health—social, political, and economic factors, demography, and mortality—the ...
    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 1986)
      [Preface]. This second volume of H e a lth C o n d i t io n s in t h e A m e r ic a s , 1981-1984 presents individual country evaluations of the general context of health—social, political, and economic factors, demography, ...
    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 1990)
      [Preface]. H e a lth C o n d itio n s in th e A m erica s, 1990 edition, is the tenth publication in a series o f quadrennial reports issued since 1954 as a way to document the health progress attained by the Member ...
    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 1990)
      [Preface]. Health Conditions in the Americas, 1990 edition, is the tenth publication in a series of quadrennial reports issued since 1954 as a way to document the health progress attained by the Member Governments of the ...
    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 1994)
      [Preface]. The 1994 edition of Health Conditions in the Americas is the eleventh in a series of quadrennial reports published since 1954 to document the changes and advances in health achieved by the Member and Participating ...
    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHOUnited StatesWashington, D.C., 1994)
      [Preface]. The 1994 edition of Health Conditions in the Americas is the eleventh in a series of quadrennial reports published since 1954 to document the changes and advances in health achieved by the Member and Participating ...
    • Gattini, César; Girard, Jacques (PAHOChileSantiago, 2009)
      [Executive Summary]. This document presents an overview of the health situation in South America based on the latest available information. It considers the political, economic and social contexts and emphasizes social ...