Compliance and Ethics

The office of College Compliance and Ethics is charged with creating a campus culture where compliance and ethics is fundamental. This involves working and collaborating with students, faculty, staff, and administrators to understand and implement compliance requirements at the Federal, State, and New York City levels. This important collaboration is done through proper and updated policies, training and education, confidential reporting opportunities, compliance data collection, and proactive planning around compliance issues. 

The office works to uphold and incorporate the College’s mission to create an environment focused on faith, respect, education, community, and social justice. All members of the College community should be aware of the importance of compliance and ethics, are fully vested in the process, and are expected to conduct their activities with compliance and ethics at the forefront. 

Compliance and ethics concerns every area within the College;

  • Academic Affairs
  • Student Life
  • College administration

Each area is expected to conduct its work within applicable laws, College policies, and best practices.

How to Report

Confidential reporting is a critical part of compliance and ethics at the College. Students and employees are strongly encouraged to report activities or conduct that they believe violates federal, state, or New York City laws, or College policy. The College has contracted with Lighthouse to provide reporting options for students and employees. 

Violations may include:

  • Violations of contracts and grants terms
  • Unethical conduct
  • Financial reporting
  • Athletic misconduct
  • Academic misconduct
  • Employee misconduct

Make a Report

All individuals associated with the College are expected to conduct themselves according to the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct and to comply with College policies and relevant laws. If you are aware of any applicable violations, you are strongly encouraged to report them via the College’s anonymous reporting hotline. Reports can be filed online, via e-mail, by phone, or by fax.