Global Engagement

We offer local and global experiences that help our campus community adapt to a changing world.

The Global Engagement office supports international students throughout their Manhattan College journey — from admission through graduation — and develops local and international programs that allow domestic students, faculty and employees to gain a global perspective.

The office:

  • Helps prospective international students through the process of applying to Manhattan College 
  • Partners with the International Student and Scholar Services office
  • Supports exchange practices between the College and its international partner institutions
  • Fosters student mobilization agreements on behalf of the College
  • Offers opportunities for cultural immersion in New York City
  • Supports non-English-speaking international students enrolled in our Intensive English Language & International Pathways (IELP) programs
  • Oversees study abroad programming

The following resources are available to students: 

  • Global Partnerships & Agreements

    Manhattan College has mobility agreements with higher education institutions across the world. Learn more about our international partnerships.

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