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NC Department of Health and Human Services
Women's and Children's Health Home
N.C. Public Health Home

Immunizations for Adults

Recommended Schedule and Immunization Standards

An Immunization Schedule is a complete list of available vaccines and a timeline of when to get them. To stay healthy, adults should review the immunization schedule and make sure they are up to date.

Required vs. Recommended in North Carolina

Adults who go to college or university must get certain vaccines. Otherwise, most adults are not required to receive vaccinations in North Carolina. Read about the N.C. Immunization Law here.

See below for the groups of adults that should receive certain vaccines.

Recommendations for Pregnancy

On-Time Vaccines
Your age, lifestyle, medical conditions, and travel plans affect which vaccines you need. Talk to your doctor about the vaccines you need to keep you and your baby healthy. 

Whooping cough is an important vaccine to receive during pregnancy. Mothers need a whooping cough vaccine during the third trimester of each pregnancy. 

"Cocooning" means vaccinating anyone who comes in close contact with babies. Family members, caregivers, and healthcare professionals make up a baby's cocoon. The indirect protection from cocooning helps keep newborns safe when they are most at risk.

More Resources

Recommendations for Health Care Workers

Employees of adult care homes are required to be immunized against influenza annually. This protects you and your patients from vaccine preventable disease.

Recommendations for Older Adults

Residents of adult care homes are required to be immunized against influenza and pneumococcal disease each year.

Additional Resources: