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Jens Esmark

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Jens Esmark
Glacier, Briksdalsbreen, Norwegia

Jens Esmark (31 Januari 1763 – 26 Januari 1839) adalah seorang profesor mineralogi Denmark-Norwegia yang berkontribusi pada banyak penemuan awal dan analisis konseptual gletser, khususnya konsep bahwa gletser telah mencakup area yang lebih luas pada masa lalu.[1]

Karya terpilih

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  • Kurze Beschreibung einer mineralogischen Reise durch Ungarn, Siebenbürgen und das Bannat ( Freyberg, 1798)
  • Reise fra Christiania til Trondhjem (1829)


[sunting | sunting sumber]
  • Cunningham, F.F. (1990) James David Forbes: Pioneer Scottish glaciologist (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press)
  • Burroughs, William James (2005) Climate Change in Prehistory: The End of the Reign of Chaos (Cambridge University Press) ISBN 978-0-521-82409-5
  • Hestmark, Geir 2009. “Her ligger Sneen evig.” – Da Dovre falt – for Esmarks barometer. Historisk Tidsskrift 88: 231-249.
  • Hestmark, Geir 2012. To discover, yes, but top publish...? Jens Esmark, datolite..and thulite. Norwegian Mining Museum, Publication No. 49: 45-52.
  • Hestmark, G. 2018. Jens Esmark's mountain glacier traverse 1823 – the key to his discovery of ice ages. Boreas 47: 1-10. https://doi.org./10.1111/bor.12260. ISSN 0300-9483. Open access.
  • Hestmark, G. 2017. Istidens Oppdager. Jens Esmark, pioneren i Norges fjellverden. En Biografi. Kagge Forlag AS, Oslo.720 s. ISBN 978-82-489-2027-4.

Pranala luar

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