Critical Voices in DEIB

Critical Voices in DEIB 2024: DEI Will Not DIE

The Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) presents the Critical Voices in DEIB series. Critical Voices in DEIB frames key issues around race and equity issues, how they impact our community, and offers resources for how to advance racial equity and promote social justice at UC Berkeley. 

This year’s theme, DEI Will Not DIE: Reclaiming Social Justice Foundations of Transformative Change, brought together subject matter experts Ramona Agrela, Laurie ScolariMikael Villalobos, and Regina Stanback Stroud. The conversation was moderated by Berkeley staff leader Tiffany Melendez, Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging and Justice for University Health Services.

DEI Will Not DIE flier with colorful renditions of all the speakers.

 Click the flyer for full size image