World AIDS Day

December 1

World AIDS Day was first recognized in 1988 to raise awareness about HIV and honor lives affected by HIV. This year’s theme, “World AIDS Day 35: Remember and Commit,” commemorates the 35th anniversary of World AIDS Day and provides the opportunity to remember the global struggle to end HIV-related stigma, honor those lost to HIV and AIDS-related illnesses, reflect on progress, and make a collective commitment to ending the HIV epidemic.

U.S. government events and activities to commemorate World AIDS Day 35 are focused on five priorities:  

  • Increased HIV awareness and an end to HIV-related stigma and discrimination;
  • Accessible health care and support services;
  • HIV prevention efforts;
  • Research and innovation; and
  • Community-driven responses.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funds HIV research in each of these areas.

NIH World AIDS Day 35 Event: Achieving Excellence and Equity in HIV Research:
December 1, 2023 
11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
During this event, NIH will remember those we have lost to HIV/AIDS, celebrate the progress made in the HIV research response, and consider the research advances that can lead to the end of the HIV pandemic. Discussion topics will include the role of stigma in the persistence of health disparities, challenges in implementing HIV research advances, inclusion in clinical trials, the important role of community, and the next generation of HIV researchers. See the full agenda on the OAR website, and join live on December 1. Learn more about World AIDS Day observances at NIH.

Social Media

Use the hashtag #WorldAIDSDay to follow the conversation on social media. Visit the World AIDS Day Awareness Day webpage for downloadable graphics and tips on how to amplify the conversation on social media. Graphics and sample social media messages also are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Awareness Days webpage.

December 1 Word AIDS Day logo.

Additional Resources 
NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR)

  • FY 2021–2025 NIH Strategic Plan for HIV and HIV-Related Research (NIH HIV Strategic Plan): The NIH HIV Strategic Plan provides a roadmap for NIH to guide HIV and HIV-related research and direct HIV research funding to the highest-priority areas to help end HIV. NIH has several priorities for HIV-related research.
  • HIVinfo is an online resource, maintained by OAR, that offers up-to-date HIV  information to the general consumer, people with HIV, and those who care for them. HIVinfo provides HIV-related infographics and many other resources.

World AIDS Day Blogs and Videos

  • World AIDS Day 35: Remember and Commit, blog post
    Harold Phillips, M.R.P., Director, White House Office of National AIDS Policy, discusses the importance of the World AIDS Day 35 theme.
  • World AIDS Day 35: Remember and Commit, video
    Learn about the importance of World AIDS Day from Kaye Hayes, M.P.A., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Infectious Disease, Director of the Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP), and Executive Director of Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, and Timothy P. Harrison, Ph.D., Principal Deputy Director of OIDP, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health.
  • World AIDS Day 35: Remember and Commit, video
    Hear about the World AIDS Day 35 theme and remembering those lost to the HIV epidemic from Dr. Harrison and LCDR Neelam "Nelly" Gazarian, PharmD, NS, AAHIVO, Senior Policy Analyst, OIDP.