High Seas Treaty
Ratification Tracker

The Race For Ratification is On

In June 2023, governments adopted the High Seas Treaty to protect ocean life. We need to fast-track its ratification so it becomes law.

The Treaty opened for State signatures on 20 September 2023. By signing countries indicate their willingness to ratify and formally consent to the new international law.

Once 60 countries sign and ratify, the Treaty will enter into force, enabling stronger international efforts to protect our ocean, mitigate climate change, and safeguard the lives and livelihoods of billions of people worldwide.

We must ensure at least 60 countries ratify the Treaty by the 3rd UN Ocean Conference in June 2025 to accelerate actions to preserve biodiversity beyond borders and combat climate change. The clock is ticking!

UN Ocean Conference – June 9-13, 2025

Follow progress on the High Seas Treaty Ratification Tracker.

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Ratification Counter


Ratification: 8 - 52 to go

91 Countries have signed the High Seas Treaty marking their commitment to ratifying it.

See who has signed and ratified the High Seas Treaty on the world map

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Ask Leaders to Ratify the High Seas Treaty Now!

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