Current Fellows

Learn about the Stanford GSB Research Fellows.

Picture of Maya Donovan
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Economics
Faculty Mentors: Juan Carlos Suarez Serrato
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Clare Doyle
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Economics
Faculty Mentors: Juan Carlos Suarez Serrato
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Rania Ezzane
Standard Track
Primary Field of Study: Political Economics
Faculty Mentors: Saum Jha, Becky Lester
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Noah Friedlander
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Economics
Faculty Mentors: Rebecca Diamond
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Maximilian Grotz
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Economics
Faculty Mentors: Rebecca Diamond
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Max Guo
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Finance
Faculty Mentors: Matteo Maggiori, Antonio Coppola
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Shyam Hari
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Accounting
Faculty Mentors: John Kepler, Ed deHaan
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Jason Harrison
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Economics
Faculty Mentors: Juan Carlos Suarez Serrato
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Samyak Jain
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Marketing
Faculty Mentors: Yu Ding
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Changyong Kim
Standard Track
Primary Field of Study: Accounting
Faculty Mentors: Brandon Gipper, Omer Karaduman
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Fabian Leal
PhD Excellence Initiative Fellow
Primary Field of Study: Economics
Faculty Mentors: Peter Henry
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Taoyu Long
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Accounting
Faculty Mentors: Suzie Noh, Jinhwan Kim
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Sho Miyazaki
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Political Economics
Faculty Mentors: Andy Hall
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Bianca Piccirillo
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Finance
Faculty Mentors: Matteo Maggiori, Antonio Coppola
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Lauren Pinard-Andrews
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Accounting
Faculty Mentors: Becky Lester
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Cindy Shen
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Accounting
Faculty Mentors: Maureen McNichols, Ron Kazsnik
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Yiting Shen
Standard Track
Primary Field of Study: Marketing
Faculty Mentors: Yu Ding, Frank Flynn
Stanford GSB Research Fellow | Zhongyu Yin
Dedicated Track
Primary Field of Study: Finance
Faculty Mentors: Chenzi Xu, Antonio Coppola
Naasey Kanko Arthur
Yale University, Economics PhD Program

“Being a [Research Fellow] at the GSB has been a rewarding experience. I have appreciated working on research at different stages and learning the various ways professors approach their research. One of the most valuable aspects of the experience has been building long-term relationships with faculty. I feel more confident that I want to pursue a research career and feel better equipped to do so.”