Video Highlights
Robotics Challenge


Positions Available

Streaming Talks/Lectures


  • Russ at Northwestern on Large Behavior Models for Dexterous Manipulation
  • Tobia Marcucci's Thesis Defense! (April 22, 2024) Graphs of Convex Sets with applications to optimal control and motion planning.

  • Russ at MIT Robotics Seminar on Graphs of Convex Sets
  • Russ at Princeton on Diffusion Policy
  • Russ gives the CMU RI Seminar (Jan 27, 2023): Motion planning around obstacles with graphs of convex sets.
  • Tao Pang's Thesis Defense! Planning, Sensing, and Control for Contact-rich Robotic Manipulation with Quasi-static Contact Models

  • Terry Suh at ICML 2022: Do Differentiable Simulators Give Better Policy Gradients?

  • Russ WAFR 2022 Keynote: Motion planning around obstacles with convex optimization

  • Yunzhu Lu's Thesis Defense! Learning Structured World Models From and For Physical Interactions

  • Greg Izatt's Thesis Defense! Capturing Distributions over Worlds for Robotics with Spatial Scene Grammars

  • Russ GRASP Lab seminar, October 29. 2021
  • Russ IROS 2021 Plenary
  • Russ at the IFRR Colloquium on the Roles of Physics-Based Models and Data-Driven Learning in Robotics (Billard - 0:07:55, Wang - 0:26:19, Levine - 0:53:45, Tedrake - 1:04:49).
  • Russ at the U.C. Berkeley Distinguished Seminar Series. Feedback Control for "Category-Level" Manipulation.

  • Russ on Lex Fridman's AI Podcast.

  • Lucas Manuelli's Thesis Defense! Robot Manipulation with Learned Representations

  • Russ at the RSS 2020 Workshop on Visual Learning and Reasoning for Robotic Manipulation.

  • Russ at the RSS 2020 Workshop on Learning (in) Task and Motion Planning. Output Feedback Motion Planning.

  • Russ at the MIT Embodied Intelligence Seminar. Feedback control from pixels. April, 2020.

  • Shen Shen. Scalable Verification for Robots and Recurrent Neural Networks (PhD Thesis Defense), May 29, 2020.

  • Russ at the Princeton IAS Workshop on New Directions in Reinforcement Learning and Control. Robust Control with Perception in the Loop: Toward "Category-Level" Manipulation

  • Twan Koolen. Balance control and locomotion planning for humanoid robots using nonlinear centroidal models (PhD Thesis Defense), Sept 18, 2019

  • Pete Florence. Dense Visual Learning for Robot Manipulation (PhD Thesis Defense), Aug 19, 2019

  • Russ at L4DC 2019. Learning Manipulation -- and why I (still) like F=ma.
  • Robin Deits. Learning from Value Function Intervals for Contact-Aware Robot Controllers (PhD Thesis Defense), Oct, 2018.

  • Hongkai Dai. Global Inverse Kinematics with Mixed-Integer Convex Optimization (ISRR presentation), Dec, 2017.

  • Michael Posa. Optimization for Control and Planning of Multi-Contact Dynamic Motion (PhD Defense), May, 2017.
  • Hongkai Dai. Planning Robust Dynamic al Motion with Contact (PhD Defense), June, 2016.

  • Anirudha Majumdar. Funnel Libraries for Real-Time Robust Feedback Motion Planning (PhD Defense), May, 2016.

  • Andy Barry. High-Speed Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance with Pushbroom Stereo (PhD Defense), December, 2015.

  • Andres Valenzuela. Mixed-integer convex optimization for planning aggressive motions of legged robots over rough terrain (PhD Defense), October, 2015.

  • Russ Tedrake. (interview w/ MIT Industrial Liason's Program)
  • Michael Posa. Exploiting the complementarity structure: stability analysis of contact dynamics via sums-of-squares, Talk at BIRS Workshop on Computational Contact Mechanics: Advances and Frontiers in Modeling Contact, February, 2014

  • Joseph Moore. Robust Post-Stall Perching with a Fixed-Wing UAV, Thesis Defense, May 27, 2014

  • Russ Tedrake. Algebraic Methods for Nonlinear Dynamics and Control. RIM Seminar at Georgia Tech, Oct 23, 2013.
  • John Roberts. Control of Underactuated Fluid-Body Systems with Real-Time Particle Image Velocimetry. Thesis Defense, May 18, 2012.

  • Russ Tedrake. Robust motion planning for walking robots and robotic birds. CMU RI Seminar 2011.
  • Russ short on programming robots from MIT 6.00x
  • Russ Tedrake. Feedback Motion Planning via Sums-of-Squares Verification. Dynamic Walking 2010.

  • Ian Manchester. Regions of Attraction to Limit Cycles of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems. Dynamic Walking 2010.

  • Rick Cory. Supermaneuverable Perching Robots. Thesis Defense, May 12, 2010.

  • Russ Tedrake. Learning to Walk by Actuating a Passive Dynamic Walker. March 14, 2005.