Microsoft ends support for Internet Explorer on June 16, 2022.
We recommend using one of the browsers listed below.

  • Microsoft Edge(Latest version) 
  • Mozilla Firefox(Latest version) 
  • Google Chrome(Latest version) 
  • Apple Safari(Latest version) 

Please contact your browser provider for download and installation instructions.

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Inquiries about research and development

This form is for inquiries about NTT's research and development activities.

When making online inquiries:

  • Please state your query as clearly as possible.
  • Depending on the nature of your query, we may not be able to provide an answer and we ask for your understanding in advance.
  • Any information we receive from you will be used exclusively for the purpose of our reply.
  • It is strictly prohibited to use our response elsewhere or for secondary purposes.

Evaluation by Society

    • EP100 EV100

      NTT is the first telecommunications operator to become a member of global initiatives to make smarter use of energy, “EP100” and “EV100” (Oct. 2018)

    • CSDE

      Established a council to promote secure digital economy together with multi-national companies

    • FTSE4Good
    • FTSE Blossom Japan