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Medium-Term Management Strategy
"New Value Creation & Sustainability 2027 Powered by IOWN"

Last updated : July 9, 2024

Medium-Term Management Strategy: First Year Progress and Actions Going Forward

Fundamental Principles
New Value Creation & Sustainability 2027 Powered by IOWN

Based on the fundamental principle "Innovating a Sustainable Future for People and Planet", we plan to invest a total of approximately 8 trillion yen in new growth sectors over the next 5 years. We will also strengthen our cash generation capabilities and grow annual EBITDA to approximately 4 trillion yen by fiscal year 2027, which is a 20% increase over fiscal year 2022.

NTT will accelerate new value creation and global sustainability ~ Innovating a Sustainable Future for People and Planet ~

Pillars of Our Initiatives

The new medium-term strategy has three main pillars.

The first pillar is "NTT as a Creator of New Value and Accelerator of a Global Sustainable Society" and to that end we will pursue the following initiatives:

(1)  IOWN-Driven Creation of New Value

(2)  Data-Driven Creation of New Value

(3)  Achievement of a Circular Economy Society

(4)  Further Strengthening of Business Foundations

To support this, we will continue “Upgrading the Customer Experience (CX)” as the second pillar and “Improving the Employee Experience (EX)” as the third pillar.

1.NTT as a Creator of New Value and Accelerator of a Global Sustainable Society (1)IOWN-driven creation of new value (from concept to commercialization) I.Establishment of manufacturing company for photonic-electronic convergence devices II.Acceleration of IOWN research and development/ commercialization (2)Data-driven creation of new value I.Strengthening the personal business II.Strengthening the use of DX/data in society and industry III.Expansion and upgrade of data center infrastructure (3)Achievement of a circular economy society I.Achieving green solutions II.Creating circular economy businesses III.Progression towards net-zero (4)Further strengthening of business foundations 2.Upgrading the Customer Experience (CX) (5)Fusion of research and development with a market focused strategy (6)Strengthening of services that emphasize customer experience (CX) 3.Improving the Employee Experience (EX) (7)Open and innovative corporate culture (8)Strengthening support for personal career development (9)Strengthening and enhancement of support programs for employees and their families worldwide

For more information about Medium-Term Management Strategy "New Value Creation & Sustainability 2027 Powered by IOWN", please download here.

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