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.Net Kuberentes API

.Net Platform State
4.5.2 x64 Build status


Package Manager

Install-Package KubernetesService

.Net Cli

dotnet add package KubernetesService

Packet Cli

paket add KubernetesService

Code usage

//Creating user configuration provider
IConfigurationProvider confProvider = new CConfigurartionProviderUserProfile();

//Creating authentication provider
IAuthenticationProvider authProv = new CSSLAuthenticationProvider(confProvider);

//Creating service instance and connecting
CKubernetesService service = CKubernetesService.Connect(new Uri("https://<you_cluster_here>"), authProv);

var retVal = service.Service.ListAppsV1beta1NamespacedDeployment("default");



Current version implements common authentification scenario.

  1. Reading configuration from %USERPROFILE%.kube\config
  2. Establishing a SSL connection to REST API endpoint

For extending authentification functionality you have to implement two interfaces

  1. Reading client configuration (ex. file, http,)
    public interface IConfigurationProvider
        CKubernatesConfig GetConfiguration();
  1. Applying configuration to underlying HttpClientHandler. Kubernetes offcially support SSL/TLS, user\password pair, OAuth token Currently implemented SSL/TLS in this realese. Other scenarios planned for future
    public interface IAuthenticationProvider
        IConfigurationProvider ConfigurationProvider { get; }
        void ApplyConfiguration(Uri endPoint, WebRequestHandler handler);

Note: parameter Uri endPoint have exactly match cluser endpoint for configuration


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