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Releases: taosdata/TDengine

01 Jul 04:33
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New Features/Improvements

  1. alter table add column can support encode and compress parameters
  2. Configuration parameter supportVnodes can be changed dynamically using alter command
  3. Minimize the impact on read/write by compact operation
  4. Adjust the default value of supportVnodes to 2*Cores+5
  5. lossyColumnn parameter is obsoleted
  6. Support specifying ENCODE and COMPRESS when adding columns to existing table
  7. Update SupportVnodes on the fly
  8. Support CentOS Stream

New Features/Improvements (Enterprise only)

  1. balance vgroup leader can be performed on a database (Enterprise only)
  2. Each mount point in multi-level storage can be configured as allowing new file or not (Enterprise only)
  3. Speed control can be set for cross-level data transfer
  4. IP white list can be adjusted dynamically
  5. New user doesn't have privilege to create database by default
  6. Optimized process of configuring key for database encryption
  7. Data compression for data transfer between TDengine 2.x and 3.x
  8. Data transfer from Oracle to TDengine
  9. Data transfer from SQL Server to TDengine
  10. OPC UA data points can be found and added in data in tasks dynamically
  11. Pi backfill task can be paused and resumed
  12. Pi backfill can work with data transformation
  13. Performance and stability improvement for Pi data in tasks
  14. VARBINARY and GEOMETRY data types can be used when creating tables in taos-explorer
  15. User can transfer user/password and privilege data between TDengine clusters using taos-explorer
  16. Pi data transfer supports newly added assets of an element
  17. taos-explorer can use native connection for the sink TDengine
  18. GSSAPI support for Kafka connector
  19. MQTT tasks can obtain sample data from the data source
  20. Object array support in MQTT data
  21. Data parsing with custom scripts
  22. Dynamic data filtering with plugins

Fixed Bugs

  1. metadata broken by TSMA
  2. count(*) result is wrong when filtering by supertable tags or where conditions
  3. The output precision is wrong of function to_iso8601()
  4. taosd exit abnormally because of querying first() and last() together with interval() and fill()
  5. Deleting a consumer group of one topic caused consumption failure of another consumer group of same name for another topic
  6. Column index of STMT binding over boundary caused taosd exited abnormally
  7. Only one parameter is changed successfully when altering multiple parameters for a table
  8. Union caused taosd hang when the leader is switched frequently
  9. Cast() caused taosd exited abnormally
  10. count window and sliding caused taosd exited abnormally
  11. Performance downgrade of group by tbname
  12. Other fixing for known bugs

28 Jun 07:33
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  1. Improve the performance of transferring metadata

Fixed Bugs

  1. create/drop stable is not logged in operation logs
  2. steam-task-status is abnormal after performing redistribute and restart dnode
  3. Some other bug fixes for known issues

10 May 08:26
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New Features and Improvements

  1. Full functional Join: including LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN, SEMI JOIN, ANTI-SEMI JOIN in traditional databases, as well as ASOF JOIN and WINDOW JOIN in time series databases
  2. Composite Primary Key: time-series data is organized and sorted according to both timestamp and an additioanl column, which is called primary key
  3. Double replicas (Enterprise only): high availability and high reliability can be achieved with 2 replicas, i.e. lower hardware cost compared to 3 replicas
  4. S3 storage (Enterprise only): cold data can be stored in S3 to achieve lower storage cost, without compromising query or writing behavior
  5. TSMA: time-range SMA to accelerate aggregate query
  6. Configurable compression: encoding method, compression algorithm and compression level can be configured per column when creating super table
  7. Count Window: A new type of window based on counting rows can be used in both stream and batch processing
  8. Active-Active (Enterprise only): two standalone TDengine deployments can form a single business system to provide high availability with transparency to the client programs. It can also be used in disaster recovery
  9. Database Encryption (Enterprise only): database storage files are encrypted with transparency for reading and writing
  10. Multi-level storage (Enterprise only): Up to 64 mount points can be configured for each storage level
  11. Data In (Enterprise only): time-series data stored in postgreSql and MySQL can be replicated to TDengine in real time
  12. Data In (Enterprise only): optimized configuration method for OPC data points
  13. Data Explorer: a simplified version of data explorer is public for the community

What's Changed

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29 Feb 13:44
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New Features

  1. Count Window for stream processing. The starting and ending condition of a stream processing window is determined by the number of rows in the window
  2. TDengine monitoring
    • Refactored the metrics collected by taosd service, and refined the Grafana dashboard for monitoring taosd services
    • Collected rich metrics for taosX service, and designed new Grafana dashboard for monitoring resource usage, taosX services, agents, and data in tasks of various data source types
  3. New License Mechanism
    • Advanced database features need to be granted, a single license key can grant the fundamental database and/or one or more advanced features
    • Data in features need to be granted, a single license key can grant one or more data source types
  4. Data In: Wonderware Historian data can be ingested into TDengine
  5. Data Compression between taosX-Agent and taosX to save bandwidth in case they are not in same network


  1. Performance improvemnt
    • The cache for last is built when creating super tables and child tables to improve the performance of querying last() or last_row() the first time
    • The cache for last can be utilized when querying both last() and last_row() together in a single SQL statement
    • The performance of querying last_row() when there is a column full of NULL values is improved significantly
    • Performance improvement when transferring data from Pi/OPC to TDengine
    • Performance improvement when transferring data from TDengine 2.6 to TDengine 3.x in case there are millions of tables but each table only has few rows
  2. Query optimization
    • Query statement "select count(*)" can filter out empty tables
  3. System Operations
    • The impact on data writing when performing "redistribute vgroup" operation is minimized using RAFT learner mechanism
    • Command "restore vnode" can be performed on a single vgroup ID
    • An empty dnode, i.e. without any vnode, can be dropped by force, regardless of online or not
  4. Data In Optimizations
    • The initial timestamp can be ignored when writing into TDengine from OPC
    • Advanced options are consolidated and refined for some data source types
    • More options, such as skipRows, delimiter, quoteChar, commentPrefix, have been added for CSV data source
  5. Explorer
    • support HTTPS
    • Users can view task related logs

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22 Dec 01:19
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New Features

  1. Data compacting operations can be queried and killed (Enterprise only)
  2. Simple Storage Service or Object Storage Service (aka S3) can be used at the last tier of multi-tier storage (Enterprise only)
  3. Stream processing supports Event Window
  4. TDenginer server supports Windows/x64 platform (Enterprise only)
  5. ODBC driver


  1. Performance improvement for some query scenarios, like partition by and sorting for super tables
  2. Adaptive API for BI tool integration
  3. Performance improvement for snapshot transfer, which accelerates the speed of redistributing vgroup or altering replica
  4. Floating point numbers can be written into columns of integer type

What's Changed

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17 Nov 06:55
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New Fetures:

  • View
  • Optimized query for BI tool integration
  • Optimized data recovery when one disk is disrupted using multi-level storage


  • Performance optimization when querying last()/last_row() with primary key or other functions together

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30 Oct 02:18
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New Features

  1. IP White List
  2. Configurable floating point lossy compression
  3. balance vgroup leader for a specific vgroup


  1. Performance optimization for partition by column
  2. Performance optimization for partition by column with limit/slimit
  3. Performance optimization for partition by column with interval
  4. Block leve lcache for retrieving data on S3
  5. Split vgroup and redistribue vnode with existing of data subscription

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20 Sep 03:56
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Fixed bugs:

  1. core dump when selecting ins_tables
  2. replica data size is much bigger than expected when executing split vgroup
  3. wrongly removing other components in and rmtaos

What's Changed

Full Changelog: ver-

11 Sep 15:03
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Fixed bugs found on ARM64 and Kylin OS

What's Changed

Full Changelog: ver-

03 Sep 13:35
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New Features/Improvements

  • Stream processing can be used in database with 3 replica
  • Join performance optimization
  • Performance improvement for interval + limit
  • Audit log (TDengine Pro only)

What's Changed

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