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Faculty Affiliates

Clayman affiliated faculty and graduate students have access to fellowship and grant opportunities and are featured on the Clayman Institute web site. In addition, all affiliates of the Institute will receive GenderNews, the bi-monthly email publication of the Clayman Institute.

Stanford academics are eligible to become Clayman Institute faculty affiliates. All applicants for the Faculty Research Fellowship are expected to be affiliated faculty of the Institute.

  • To become a faculty affiliate, please subscribe to our low traffic listserv by sending an email to lgottlie [at] (Lea Gottlieb), Fellowship Manager. Please reference "Clayman Faculty Affiliate" in the subject line.  This list is for Stanford faculty and academics only.
  • To become a graduate student affiliate, please subscribe to our low traffic listserv. Send a message to claymangraduates-join [at] (claymangraduates-join[at]lists[dot]stanford[dot]edu). Leave the subject line and body of the message blank.  This list is for Stanford graduate students only.
  • Please note that the Clayman Institute is unable to host visiting scholars or postdocs due to our limited space and resources.

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Humanities and Sciences

  • Shelley J. Correll | Sociology 

  • Londa Schiebinger | History of Science

  • Barbara Gelpi | English

  • Laura Cartensen | Psychology 

  • Roger Blandford | Physics 

  • Cécile Alduy | French & Italian 
  • Bruce S. Baker | Biological Sciences

  • Arnetha Ball, Emerita | Education

  • Albert Bandura | Psychology
  • Harumi Befu | Anthropological Sciences
  • Terry Berlier | Art & Art History
  • Arthur Bienenstock | Applied Physics

  • Lisa Blaydes | Political Science

  • Lera Boroditsky | Psychology

  • Ray Briggs | Philosophy

  • Patricia R. Burchat | Physics

  • William (Bill) Burkholder | Biological Sciences

  • Albert (Al) Camarillo | American History

  • Clayborne Carson | History

  • Gretchen Daily | Environmental Sciences

  • Adrian Daub | Comparative Literature, German Studies

  • Lauren Davenport | Political Science

  • Shane Denson | Art and Art History

  • Jennifer DeVere Brody | TAPS

  • Petra Dierkes-Thrun | Comparative Literature

  • Charitini Douvaldzi | German Studies

  • Carol S. Dweck | Psychology

  • Jennifer Eberhardt | Psychology and Law

  • Paulla Ebron | Anthropology

  • Penelope Eckert | Linguistics

  • Harry Elam, Emeritus | Theater & Performance Studies

  • Michele Elam | English

  • James Ferguson | Anthropology

  • Paula Findlen | History

  • Morris P. Fiorina | Political Science

  • Anne Firth Murray | Biology

  • Shelley Fisher Fishkin | English

  • Vicky Fouka | Political Science

  • Estelle Freedman | History

  • Marisa Galvez | French and Italian

  • Hester G. Gelber | Religious Studies

  • Denise Gill | Music

  • Kathryn Gin Lum | Religious Studies

  • Shelley V. Goldman | Education

  • Deborah Gordon | Biology

  • Roland Greene | English and Comparative Literature

  • Mark Greif | English

  • Kalanit Grill-Spector | Psychology

  • David Grusky | Sociology

  • Saad Gulzar | Political Science

  • Heather Hadlock | Music

  • Allyson Hobbs | American History

  • Susan P. Holmes | Statistics

  • Héctor Hoyos | Iberian and Latin American Cultures

  • Miyako Inoue | Anthropology

  • Usha Iyer | Art and Art History

  • Lochlan Jain | Anthropology

  • Patricia P. Jones | Biology

  • Karen Jusko | Political Science

  • Roanne Kantor | English

  • Alexander Matthew Key | Comparative Literature

  • Aishwary Kumar | History

  • Marci Kwon | Art and Art History



  • Young Jean Lee | Theatre & Performance Studies

  • Indra Levy | Asian Languages

  • Phillip Y. Lipscy | Political Science

  • Helen E. Longino | Philosophy

  • Andrea Lunsford | English

  • Jean Ma | Art and Art History

  • Saikat Majumdar | English

  • Liisa Malkki | Anthropology

  • Hazel Markus | Psychology

  • Yoshiko Matsumoto | Japanese History and Civilization

  • Jisha Menon | Theatre & Performance Studies

  • Michael Messner | Sociology and Gender Studies

  • Richard Meyer | Art and Art History

  • Ana Minion | History

  • Kathryn A. Moler | Physics and Physics

  • Yumi Moon | History

  • Marcyliena Morgan | Communications

  • Paula Moya | English

  • Thomas S. Mullaney | Chinese History

  • Clifford I. Nass | Communication

  • Muriel Niederle | Economics

  • David Palumbo-Liu | Comparative Literature

  • Peggy Phelan | Theatre & Performance Studies

  • Robert M. Polhemus | Humanities

  • Robert Proctor | History

  • Rush Rehm | Theatre & Performance Studies

  • Rob Reich | Political Science

  • Jessica G. Riskin | History of Science

  • Terry L. Root | Biological Sciences

  • Janice Ross | Drama Department

  • Lee Ross | Psychology

  • Gabriella Safran | Jewish Studies

  • Ramon Saldivar | Hoagland Family Professor

  • Wendy Salkin | Philosophy

  • Peter Satyanand Samuels | Modern Thought and Literature

  • Kristine Samuelson | Humanistic Studies

  • Rebecca L. Sandefur | Sociology

  • Aliya Saperstein | Sociology

  • Priya Satia | History

  • Debra M. Satz | Ethics in Society

  • Carla Shatz | Bio-X

  • Matthew Snipp | Sociology

  • Matthew Sommer | History

  • Carolyn Springer | Italian Literature

  • Peter Stansky | History

  • Laura Stokes | History

  • Jennifer Summit | English

  • Meghan Sumner | Linquistics

  • Elaine Treharne | English

  • Shripad Tuljapurkar | Biology

  • Frederick (Fred) Turner | Communication

  • Jun Uchida | History

  • Alessandra Voena | Economics

  • Barbara Voss | Anthropology

  • Virginia Walbot | Biology

  • Greg Walton | Psychology

  • Thomas Wasow | Linguistics

  • Carl Weber

  • Alexis Wells-Oghoghomeh | Religious Studies

  • Gail Wight | Art and Art History

  • Laura Wittman

  • Sylvia Yanigasako | Anthropology

  • Richard N. Zare | Chemistry


  • Helen Bronte-Stewart | Neurology & Neurological Sciences

  • Edward T. Riley | Anesthesia

  • Michael Baiocchi | Medicine, Statistics

  • Rebecca Bernert | Medicine

  • Vinod Bhutani | Pediatrics

  • Helen M. Blau | Microbiology and Immunology

  • Linda Boxer | Hematology

  • Atul J. Butte | Pediatrics

  • Brendan Carvalho | Anesthesia

  • Sheila E. Cohen | Anesthesia

  • Heike Daldrup-Link | Radiology

  • Gary Darmstadt | Pediatrics

  • Terry S. Desser | Radiology

  • Christine Ford | Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

  • Susan M. Frayne | Medicine

  • Jennifer Freyd | Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

  • Margaret T. Fuller | Developmental Biology

  • Sabine C. Girod, Emerita | Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

  • Jessica Gold | Pediatrics

  • Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert | Medicine

  • Mary K. Goldstein | Medicine

  • Miriam B. Goodman | Molecular and Cellular Physiology

  • Stuart Goodman | Orthopedic Surgery

  • Cheryl Gore-Felton | Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

  • Stephanie Harman | Women in Medicine

  • Odette Harris | Neurosurgery

  • Florette K. Gray Hazard | Pathology

  • Jill A. Helms | Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

  • Paula Hillard | Obstetrics & Gynecology

  • David S. Hong | Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

  • Michael Hsieh | Urology

  • Mark A. Hlatky | Health Research and Polic

  • Ting-Ting Huang | Neurology & Neurological Sciences

  • Keith N. Humphreys | Psychiatry and Behavioral Science

  • Robert Jackler | Otology and Neurotology

  • David A. Katzenstein | Infectious Diseases

  • Cindy Kin | General Surgery

  • Cheryl Koopman | Psychiatry & Behavioral Science

  • Nishita Kothary | Radiology/Interventional Radiology

  • Eswar Krishnan | Immunology & Rheumatology

  • Amy L. Ladd | Orthopedic Surgery

  • Merritt C. Maduke | Molecular & Cellular Physiology

  • Yvonne Maldonado | Pediatrics - Infectious Disease

  • Rachel Manber | Psychiatry & Behavioral Science

  • Nicole Martinez-Martin | Pediatrics



  • Vinod Menon | Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

  • Anna H. Messner | Otolaryngology

  • Rudolf H. Moos | Psychiatry

  • Christina Mora-Mangano | Anesthesia

  • Claudia Mueller | Pediatric Surgery

  • Patricia Nguyen | Cardiovascular Disease

  • Ruth M. O'Hara | Psychiatry & Behavioral Science

  • Karen J. Parker | Psychiatry & Behavioral Science

  • Josef Parvizi | Neurology and Neurological Sciences

  • Anna Penn | Pediatrics

  • Philip A. Pizzo, M.D. | Stanford Distinguished Career Institute

  • Jodi Prochaska | Psychology

  • Marlene Rabinovitch | Anesthesia

  • Chandra Ramamoorthy | Anesthesia

  • Natalie Rasgon | Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

  • Jennifer Raymond | Neurobiology

  • Renee A. Reijo Pera |Obstetrics & Gynecology

  • Allan L. Reiss | Psychiatry & Behavioral Science

  • Cybele Anne Renault | Infectious Diseases

  • Eunice Rodriguez | Pediatrics

  • Jessica Rose | Orthopedic Surgery

  • Debra Safer | Behavioral Medicine

  • Priscilla Sarinas | Medicine

  • Clea Sarnquist | Pediatrics

  • Lidia Schapira | Oncology

  • Iris Schrijver | Pathology

  • Audrey Shafer | Medicine

  • Steven L. Shafer | Anesthesia

  • Barbara Sommer | Psychiatry & Behavioral Science

  • Marcia L. Stefanick | Medicine

  • Kathryn Stevens | Radiology

  • Suzanne Tharin | Neurosurgery

  • Dolores Gallagher Thompson | Psychiatry & Behavioral Science

  • Philip Tsao | Medicine

  • Hannah Valantine, MD | Medicine

  • Heather Wakelee | Medicine

  • Nancy Ewen Wang | Medicine

  • Irene Wapnir | General Surgery

  • Lynn Westphal | Obstetrics and Gynecology

  • Carol Hunter Winograd | Medicine

  • Sherry Wren | General Surgery

  • Yanmin Yang | Neurology

  • Jarred Younger | Anesthesia

  • Larraine Zappert | Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

  • James Zou | Biomedical Data Science


  • Jennifer (Jenna) Davis | Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Robert M. Gray, Emeritus | Electrical Engineering

  • Sarah Heilshorn | Materials Science and Engineering

  • Lynn Hildeman | Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Riitta Katila | Management Science and Engineering

  • Ellen Kuhl | Mechanical Engineering

  • Cynthia Lee | Computer Science



  • Walter Murray | Management Science & Engineering

  • Allison Okamura | Mechanical Engineering

  • Eric S. Roberts, Emeritus | Computer Science

  • Bernard Roth | Mechanical Engineering

  • Mehran Sahami | Computer Science

  • Sheri D. Sheppard | Mechanical Engineering

  • Christina Smolke | Bioengineering


  • Roderick M. Kramer | Organizational Behavior

  • Deborah Gruenfeld | Leadership and Organizational Behavior

  • Ashley Martin | Organizational Behavior

  • Maureen McNichols | Accounting



  • Dale T. Miller | Organizational Behavior

  • Benoit Monin | Organizational Behavior

  • Aruna Ranganathan | Organizational Behavior

  • Sarah A. Soule | Organizational Behavior


  • Nicole Ardoin | Education

  • Jo Boaler | Education

  • Eamonn Callan | Education

  • Patricia J. Gumport | Education

  • Teresa LaFramboise | Education

  • Susanna Loeb | Education



  • Debra Meyerson | Organizational Behavior

  • Jelena Obradovic | Education

  • Mitchell Stevens | Education

  • Deborah Stipek | Education

  • Myra Strober | Education

  • Christine Min Wotipka | Education


  • R. Richard Banks | Law

  • Rabia Belt
  • Pamela Karlan | Public Interest Law



  • Jenny S. Martinez | Law

  • Bernadette Meyler | Law

  • Adina Sterling | Organizational Behavior

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

  • Persis S. Drell | Physics 
  • Chi-Chang Kao | Photon Science 
  • David Leith | Physics

Doerr School of Sustainability

  • Margot Gerritsen | Earth Science
  • Pamela A. Matson, PhD | Earth Sciences
  • Joan Elizabeth Roughgarden | Earth Science


  • Phyllis Stewart-Pires | University Human Resources