

Commerce de détail

Crolles, Rhône Alpes, Isère 54 803 abonnés

We help you to access your inaccessible

À propos

Depuis ses débuts dans la spéléologie, au début des années 1970, la mission de Petzl est de créer des solutions innovantes qui permettent de progresser, de se positionner et de se protéger dans les environnements verticaux ou de s’éclairer dans l’obscurité. Les solutions Petzl sont utilisées dans les domaines sportifs (escalade, alpinisme, spéléologie, via-ferrata, trail-running...) et professionnels (travaux d'accès difficiles, élagage, pylonistes, remontées mécaniques, secours...). Petzl est une entreprise 100% familiale qui réalise plus de 80% de son chiffre d'affaire à l'export, dans le monde entier.

Site web
Commerce de détail
Taille de l’entreprise
501-1 000 employés
Siège social
Crolles, Rhône Alpes, Isère
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Equipements pour escalade, alpinisme, spéléologie, Equipements de protection individuels pour le travail en hauteur et Eclairages frontal pour le sport et le travail


Employés chez Petzl


  • Petzl a republié ceci

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Fondation Petzl, visuel

    894  abonnés

    📣 C'est parti pour la 3e édition de notre appel à projets commun avec la Fondation Snowleader pour agir sur la transition écologique en montagne.  Nouveau : cette année, on ouvre sur l'Europe ! 👉 Notre objectif : soutenir des organisations à but non lucratifs qui agissent pour demain, dans les montagnes d'Europe 🏔 : Alpes scandinaves, Arc alpin, Pyrénées françaises et espagnoles... Avec une dotation globale de 60 000 €, les projets lauréats contribueront à - réduire les émissions de carbone, - préserver la biodiversité, - encourager la sensibilisation sur ces sujets. 📆 LES CANDIDATURES SONT OUVERTES DU MERCREDI 05 JUIN AU DIMANCHE 08 SEPTEMBRE 2024. ⏳ ✏ Toutes les modalités de candidature, le formulaire d'appel à projets et le règlement sont ici : ➡️ Faites suivre l'info dans vos réseaux ! ENGLISH ===> 📣 3rd edition of the call for projects: supporting the green transition in European mountains with the Fondation Snowleader. This year, we are opening the call for projects in the mountains of Europe and Switzerland (Scandinavian Alps, Alpine Arc, Spanish Pyrenees, etc.)! The supported projects will help reduce carbon emissions and protect biodiversity; encourage awareness of climate change. With €60,000 to be shared between the different projects selected, the call for projects is intended for non-profit organizations. APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN UNTIL SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 2024 Rules and application are available here:

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Petzl, visuel

    54 803  abonnés

    Optimism and Will: Continuing to Grow We've set lofty environmental and social objectives for ourselves. And our teams are working harder than ever to achieve them. What have we been up to? Learn more about our 2023 initiatives, including goals we set internally, with external partners, and with the Petzl Foundation. Through our CSR commitments, we continue to pursue our vision and uphold our values, firmly staying the course. We're devoted to becoming the best version of Petzl by identifying, measuring and improving our impact. 👉Available now: our new 2023 Impact Report

    Petzl - Impact Report 2023

    Petzl - Impact Report 2023

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Petzl, visuel

    54 803  abonnés

    The Petzl Foundation's mission is to support projects of public interest related to the mountains and the vertical world. The Foundation has three objectives: 🌱 Support ecological transition: The Foundation supports projects aimed at capturing or reducing carbon emissions in the mountains, preserving biodiversity, and promoting awareness of climate change for a sustainable future in mountain regions. 🏔 Prevent accidents: The Petzl Foundation engages in technical training, develops specific safety tools, and contributes to improving knowledge of accidentology. 🌎 Explore the vertical world: By funding research, conferences, and exhibitions, the Petzl Foundation shares new knowledge with mountain communities. The Foundation also supports various associations that aim to bring hope to marginalized communities through mountain activities. 📸 : Emile Annequin (Ecotrivelo); International Technical Rescue Association; alpesphotographies To learn more about the projects of the Petzl Foundation, link in the comments ⬇️

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Petzl, visuel

    54 803  abonnés

    COMMITTED TO A BETTER FUTURE 🌎 At Petzl, social and environmental responsibility is important to us; our CSR plan is an integral part of our business strategy. It's a solution-oriented approach that focuses on tangible actions, driven by stakeholder feedback. Our initiatives include: -Reducing our carbon footprint -Enhancing employee satisfaction -Adopting more responsible waste management solutions -Improving supplier labor conditions Customer safety and satisfaction is always our top priority, but we’re also working to create a more sustainable future. 📸 Marc Daviet #Petzl #accesstheinaccessible

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Petzl, visuel

    54 803  abonnés

    To better manage avalanche risks, choosing a suitable route is a crucial step. In collaboration with IGN (French National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information), the Petzl Foundation is able to help winter sports enthusiasts in their decision-making. 👉 IGN is an organization specialized in the production and dissemination of geographic information, operating on the Geoportail. Following the distribution of the slope map with inclinations greater than 30° in the French Alps, the angle at which an avalanche can trigger, the Petzl Foundation and IGN entered into a new partnership in 2023 to broadcast winter hiking routes on the digital maps via Geoportail. Today, nearly 3500 routes have already been digitized by the Petzl Foundation with the support of the Skitourenguru application. These routes, avoiding the most avalanche-prone terrains, will help you better prepare for your winter hikes. Fondation Petzl; IGN (Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière) 📸 Antoine Mesnage Peignée Verticale #petzl #mountains #avalanche

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Petzl, visuel

    54 803  abonnés

    Avalanches: How Can We Reduce the Risks? Choosing a route with snow conditions in mind is an important step in winter hiking. For the past 10 years, the Petzl Foundation has been supporting the development of new tools to reduce accidents in the French Alps. Digitizing routes that bypass the most avalanche-prone areas, disseminating slope maps to hut hosts and on the Geoportail, these projects are carried out in collaboration with IGN (French National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information). The Petzl Foundation also supports mobile avalanche prevention applications such as Skitourenguru and Yéti, with the goal of helping you find joy and serenity on days out in the mountains. Fondation Petzl ; IGN (Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière) 📸 Mathis Dumas #Petzl #avalanche #mountains

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Petzl, visuel

    54 803  abonnés

    A Collaborative Effort to Address Environmental Issues. On December 14th, Petzl welcomed over 50 stakeholders from the OSV (Outdoor Sports Valley), a network of companies committed to the economic development of the outdoor industry, promoting recreation, and preserving natural spaces. This collaborative day included sharing information and ideas on how to measure and communicate the environmental footprint of products in the outdoor industry. Other conversations covered topics ranging from regulations, measuring and reporting on Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), and collectively engaging outdoor brands in zero carbon initiatives. With Outdoor Sports Valley - OSV 📸 Laurent de la Fouchardiere

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Petzl, visuel

    54 803  abonnés

    Call for projects #2: The winners 🏆 Last June, Snowleader and Petzl Foundation launched the 2nd annual joint call for projects aimed at encouraging ecological transition in mountainous areas. On November 14, 2023, a jury composed of employees from both companies, as well as an expert on climate and biodiversity issues, awarded eight winners a total of €50,000. The immense value of organizations and communities committed to ecological transition lies in their ability to show us an alternative way to live — with more sustainable practices and mutual support. To survive, we need a new narrative. The men and women running these projects are writing one. Read the full news ⬇️ ⛰️ Fondation Petzl & Fondation Snowleader 📸 Louis Giannotta

    Conservation of difficult access ecosystems

    Conservation of difficult access ecosystems

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Petzl, visuel

    54 803  abonnés

    38% of our carbon emissions are linked to suppliers, that's why Petzl is committed to supporting the sustainable development efforts of our suppliers by 2025. This initiative started over 10 years ago, in 2010, when we offered our suppliers a "Code of Conduct", made up of 22 CSR criteria organized under 4 categories: 🫶 Ethical leadership 🌎 Human rights ⛑️ Health and safety 🌱 The environment 📸 Stephane Cande Click to learn more ⬇️



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