FM Logistic

FM Logistic

Transport, logistique, chaîne logistique et stockage

Phalsbourg, Lorraine 127 893 abonnés

Supply Change

Working at FM Logistic means being part of a company where everyone can be a driving force in making supply chains more sustainable and building a better future. We truly empower our employees to make a difference for our company, our customers, our communities and our planet. Our culture is rooted in entrepreneurial spirit and we are passionate about exploring new territory.

Welcome to FM Logistic!

For over 55 years and with the strength of today’s 29,000 employees, FM Logistic has successfully cultivated its human approach and values while continuing to develop its entrepreneurial spirit. People development is a priority for us. We support and assist our employees in their wishes for career development, through our broad range of solutions and diverse activities. Want a driving force towards supply chains more sustainable and building better tomorrows? You're in the right place!

Join FM Logistic and be part of the supply change

At FM Logistic, we definitely believe in mutual commitment! All our employees join their efforts, skills and motivation to achieve the group’s objectives. Our goal is to move forward together and with that in mind, we strive to enrich your technical and managerial expertise through integration, training and individual development programmes. Conscious of each and everyone’s contribution, we have implemented an individual and operational bonus that rewards performance.

Photos de l’entreprise

  • Photo de FM Logistic no. 1
  • Photo de FM Logistic no. 2

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