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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Went to a pretty phenomenal all you can eat Yakiniku (Korean BBQ) place. This is only a small sampling of all the delicious meats we ate.

Highlights for me were the red wine marinated pork belly, one spicy Cajun marinated Calamari steak. Bulgogi, and shaved brisket were also top notch.

I am a different level of full right now, and it will be mostly healthy food for the weekend. Going to take a few days to digest this feast.


Absolutely mouth-watering.

Hope you enjoyed it.


macrumors 65816
Mar 18, 2010
That looks beyond mouth-watering and must have been absolutely delicious.
It was quite delicious.

Fresh Tuna melts in your mouth.

It was also my first time cooking with these white sweet potatoes. They have a very interesting flavor, and texture. After the picture I did a few slices glazed with a pear ginger jam, and ponzu sauce then roasted. They came out splendidly.
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
It was quite delicious.

Fresh Tuna melts in your mouth.

It was also my first time cooking with these white sweet potatoes. They have a very interesting flavor, and texture. After the picture I did a few slices glazed with a pear ginger jam, and ponzu sauce then roasted. They came out splendidly.
Fresh tuna is amazing, agreed.

I have even pickled it in soy sauce on occasion (well, I love sushi), and that picture looked absolutely amazing.


macrumors 65816
Mar 18, 2010
It is not the name of the store. You don't need to be in Japan to get fresh Ahi Tuna.

This restaurant has a fish market attached.

Nico's Pier 38
(808) 540-1377

They sell fish to the public, that they buy fresh directly from the daily wholesale fish auction. They are located on the docks where the boats come in with freshly caught Ahi Tuna.

During covid they couldn't sell enough fish, because all the restaurants closed down, so they were selling sashimi grade Tuna for only $7 a lb.

It is still reasonably priced considering the quality. You would pay double or triple the price for this quality in most cities.
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Fresh caught tempura battered fish, and chips.

MainTai cocktail
Now, that makes my mouth water.

Tempura battered fish'n'chips: Wonderful. Do enjoy.

Actually, this dish is an occasional (much appreciated and truly savoured) treat from one of the really good Japanese restaurants in my locality.

Dare I enquire as to what the pictured glass plays host to?


macrumors 65816
Mar 18, 2010
Now, that makes my mouth water.

Tempura battered fish'n'chips: Wonderful. Do enjoy.

Actually, this dish is an occasional (much appreciated and truly savoured) treat from one of the really good Japanese restaurants in my locality.

Dare I enquire as to what the pictured glass plays host to?

It was delicious, as was the stout beer I followed it up with

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
OLIVE LOVERS ALERT!!! Not exactly what I had for dinner, but since this thread is comprised of posts by a lot of "foodies," and some participants are fond of olives (waving at you, SS!) it seems the most logical place to toss in something a bit different: "liquid olives." Eh? HUH?

A few months ago a new restaurant opened in the DC area and although I didn't have and still have no expectations of going there, when reading about it I was intrigued by the mention of "liquid olives." I've loved olives my entire life and this really captured my attention. The description of these "Spherical Olive Drops" and the "taste explosion in one's mouth," the photos of how they are!!! So interesting, so exotic..... I was captivated, intrigued, and, yes, I really, really wanted that experience of tasting them......

Time went by and while one day I was poking around on the internet somehow I discovered that, hey, one could now order a jar of these delightful delicacies delivered to one's own home. Hey!!!!! I sat up and took notice. I prowled through various websites and at last found one where, yes, the item was actually in stock and yes, I could order it.....and did so (the jar itself wasn't all that expensive, but, oh, even within the US, the $hipping!!!). It arrived today. Was it worth it? I'd say yes!

The description of these "liquid olives" involves how when one bites down on them, these spherical "olives," these intriguing look-alikes when one bites down "explode in the mouth," and, yep, they sure do! First one I tried did just that but in spite of that description and warning I truly wasn't quite prepared and had to do a bit of wiping off from my shirt and the table surface. The second one I handled more successfully. Truly an amazing taste experience!

These are....quite remarkable, actually, and the taste sensation is definitely "olive-y," while also somewhat different from an actual physical olive, as there is not the meaty texture and such, just the essential olive flavor. Really quite interesting and I'm glad I took the chance and splurged on this purchase to satisfy my curiosity......

Interested? What I've been writing about here is formally known as Caviaroli Drops/Spherical Olives by Albert Adrià.... He's based in Spain. The restaurateur in DC had studied with him a while back and brought the technique of creating these "liquid olives" to the US to one of his high-end restaurants, but now as I discovered to my delight, it is possible to order a jar of the original Caviaroli Drops/Spherical Olives concept from some sources on the internet.

Yes, I know I'm weird. I don't like cooking or baking, and frankly, my idea of contemplating preparation of a meal is will it work in the microwave or is it something cold (in warm weather) that I can quickly pull together and consume..... So I'm not a "foodie," but at the same time I'm interested in hearing about and tasting interesting and different foods and approaches to them.
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
OLIVE LOVERS ALERT!!! Not exactly what I had for dinner, but since this thread is comprised of posts by a lot of "foodies," and some participants are fond of olives (waving at you, SS!) it seems the most logical place to toss in something a bit different: "liquid olives." Eh? HUH?

A few months ago a new restaurant opened in the DC area and although I didn't have and still have no expectations of going there, when reading about it I was intrigued by the mention of "liquid olives." I've loved olives my entire life and this really captured my attention. The description of these "Spherical Olive Drops" and the "taste explosion in one's mouth," the photos of how they are!!! So interesting, so exotic..... I was captivated, intrigued, and, yes, I really, really wanted that experience of tasting them......

Time went by and while one day I was poking around on the internet somehow I discovered that, hey, one could now order a jar of these delightful delicacies delivered to one's own home. Hey!!!!! I sat up and took notice. I prowled through various websites and at last found one where, yes, the item was actually in stock and yes, I could order it.....and did so (the jar itself wasn't all that expensive, but, oh, even within the US, the $hipping!!!). It arrived today. Was it worth it? I'd say yes!

The description of these "liquid olives" involves how when one bites down on them, these spherical "olives," these intriguing look-alikes when one bites down "explode in the mouth," and, yep, they sure do! First one I tried did just that but in spite of that description and warning I truly wasn't quite prepared and had to do a bit of wiping off from my shirt and the table surface. The second one I handled more successfully. Truly an amazing taste experience!

These are....quite remarkable, actually, and the taste sensation is definitely "olive-y," while also somewhat different from an actual physical olive, as there is not the meaty texture and such, just the essential olive flavor. Really quite interesting and I'm glad I took the chance and splurged on this purchase to satisfy my curiosity......

Interested? What I've been writing about here is formally known as Caviaroli Drops/Spherical Olives by Albert Adrià.... He's based in Spain. The restaurateur in DC had studied with him a while back and brought the technique of creating these "liquid olives" to the US to one of his high-end restaurants, but now as I discovered to my delight, it is possible to order a jar of the original Caviaroli Drops/Spherical Olives concept from some sources on the internet.

Yes, I know I'm weird. I don't like cooking or baking, and frankly, my idea of contemplating preparation of a meal is will it work in the microwave or is it something cold (in warm weather) that I can quickly pull together and consume..... So I'm not a "foodie," but at the same time I'm interested in hearing about and tasting interesting and different foods and approaches to them.
Those olives sound absolutely amazing.
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