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macrumors 6502a
Dec 11, 2023
...and that's not any worse than the current system of human biases creeping into moderation.

With humans it's even worse, as there can be a petty and vindictive nature to it all

i.e. "it can get personal" with human moderation in a way that wouldn't be an issue for an AI form of moderation
I think you're forgetting one very important thing; common sense. In order to use common sense we need feelings and emotions in order to properly judge a situation. The issue is that we cannot teach emotions and feelings to a machine when we don't fully understand emotions and feelings ourselves.

AI is little more than an attempt to avoid having to interact with people while still obtaining data from a pool of information that is populated by people. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.. and AI will never be smarter or better than its creators.

Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
That would be much better than the way it works now, with fallible humans making decisions based on their fallible judgements.
This kind of thinking really scares me... The AI is created and trained by fallible humans. When you start thinking that the machine is less fallible than the data it's trained on, all you're managing to do is launder the biases.

Another good thing; it would be real-time. Posts breaking rules would not be first posted and then reported/deleted. Much tidier and less frustration.
You've already found the workaround that enables:
You could simply adjust and try again.

Real time moderation just lets you keeps adjusting your phrasing until you make the offensive point you want to without triggering the alarm.

But, AI is supposed to be even better than us at things.
That's one of the main reasons that people are afraid of it.

I don't think people are afraid of AI because it's better than us at things, I think they're afraid that someone will think it is and give it power over us. Kind of exactly what you're proposing here...


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
I have absolutely no complaints about the talking-to's I've received from MR mods. I deserved it every time. They have applied the rules in a consistent manner. I have never seen cases where I was warned and my posts deleted while worse posts remained and obvious trolls unbanned. I have not been reported by other users just because they could not withstand my arguments and embarrassed themselves, and as a result I was warned, while those users did not stick to the relevant points and made personal attacks against me, and nothing was done about them. I have not been warned and my post deleted or modified when I politely disagreed with certain mod decisions. I have not been disheartened to the point that I almost stopped coming to the forums. And I would not say anything different even in PMs. You cannot make me. I am not scared. I am just telling the truth.

All very good to hear but just remember you can’t actually identify bias in that way.

By definition it’s happening all the time.

There is simply no way to evaluate just based on one person’s experience

I would be delighted to share some stories but it would get me banned


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
I think you're forgetting one very important thing; common sense. In order to use common sense we need feelings and emotions in order to properly judge a situation. The issue is that we cannot teach emotions and feelings to a machine when we don't fully understand emotions and feelings ourselves.

AI is little more than an attempt to avoid having to interact with people while still obtaining data from a pool of information that is populated by people. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.. and AI will never be smarter or better than its creators.

I will be careful with the term “never” there


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
Not so much. You simply cannot get perfection from imperfection.. it just isn't going to happen.

That’s a fundamental misunderstanding of what’s possible with something like AI once it gets beyond a certain threshold

I realize that may be hard to grok based on past history but let’s just move on because there’s a disagreement and a lack of shared understanding on this point.


macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2009
I have absolutely no complaints about the talking-to's I've received from MR mods. I deserved it every time. They have applied the rules in a consistent manner...
Me as well, and I appreciate the job the mods do. It must be like herding cats in a field of mice using dogs while riding horseback blindfolded. MR users are an argumentative lot. I doubt AI could handle us.
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