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macrumors 68020
Jul 11, 2008
Central New York
It's so funny to me when people (rightly) criticize TikTok for having all this user data and not being clear on policies to keep it safe, but then are silent on Meta and Google. If your concern is data security Meta and Google are just as culpable, and should be criticized just as strongly as ByteDance. I do understand that many, probably most, people who share that concern don't share the cognitive dissonance outlined above but some do and it's painful. I also get that people have other concerns specifically with TikTok, as the CCP is clearly more authoritarian than we'd like. I would say the American government has access to our data from American companies and does alarming things with it too, not that two wrongs make a right, but these critiques ought to be levelled consistently. In my mind it is long past since when we should have a stronger international data security agreements. I can't imagine how complicated and complex it would be to implement and enforce, but we live in the Information Age and will for some time. If we can have international agreements for wars than we can for data as well.
Great post, especially your statement about having some kind of international agreement for data!



macrumors 601
Sep 11, 2006
Sacramento, CA USA
Only one thing though: they'll be lucky to get that bill passed through the Senate in 2024. And it has to be resolved with the House version in the House-Senate conference committee, too.


macrumors 68020
May 8, 2008
The post I was replying to said that they "didn't care about the China ties" and gave the impression that Tiktok is bad for society for other reasons. Taking the China thing out of the equation... why is TikTok any worse than Reels and Shorts?
For me China is the primary problem, but there may also be issues with the algorithm and how if effects the young
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