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macrumors member
Sep 5, 2017
Apple just don't want iOS to be as customisable as Android. I'm even surprised by everything they've done in the last few years in this area.

I would have preferred for iOS not to become customisable but unfortunately Apple disagrees with me.
What would be the problem if you just didn't use the new features, so basically no changes for you?


macrumors 68000
Nov 27, 2013
Does anyone else feel that all these things that Apple are developing are just for the Apple executives and people like them?

Yah; it seems something like that.

90% of the "new features" I always see never really apply to my predilections.

5-to-10 years later, I sometimes find utility.

I mean . . . I still manually vacuum my own house 🤷‍♂️


macrumors G3
Oct 27, 2009
Sticking to the timeline but not delivering. It’s happening everywhere, not just at Apple.

Loads of companies are doing it now. It’s a patch later philosophy.

Yup, some TV manufacturers still haven't enabled HDMI 2.1 on their capable ports.


macrumors member
Dec 2, 2017
Sticking to the timeline but not delivering. It’s happening everywhere, not just at Apple.

Loads of companies are doing it now. It’s a patch later philosophy.

As software engineer for years,

I can blame software agile methodologies like scrum. Also there’s a generation of bad developers following “uncle bob“ principles hurting software companies.

Tim and actual management team must leave. Scott Forstall must back!


macrumors G4
Nov 25, 2017
Expecting a majority of the Apple Intelligence features only to be available much later.


macrumors member
Apr 17, 2012
Anyone else notice them doing this more and more? Announcing incomplete features as if they’ll be released along with the upcoming os? I first noticed it with the … magic charger? That inductive charging mat they announced at a WWDC then just silently killed.


macrumors member
May 4, 2022
If I happen to check my google mail, the first thing I do (if it was not already set) is disabling the priority inbox. I also do exactly the same when using Outlook. Their sorting emails methods are profoundly disliking to me. I expect Mail will not be like those.
Apple should use AI to correct two mistyped CAPS letters together in a word like "HOla" (Spanish) when writing an email. Microsoft do it. Bug/lack of feature dragged from macOS X? Useful things, we need...
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macrumors newbie
Oct 16, 2020
Munich, Germany
Okay, this is a little off-topic but something I have wondered since the keynote: does Apple Mail in iOS 18 display contact pictures now?

- M -


macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
Rushed release based on arbitrary timelines, the new Apple way!

But iPadOS got a calculator, at least.
Rushed release based on arbitrary timelines is what we used to get every September. I prefer that they do the releases when the code is ready, not just because the iPhones are shipping.


macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2006
Considering AI features are being carved out and those deals barely signed the week prior to WWDC, no surprise. This was a Theranos style presentation at WWDC or at least close to it.

It is also laughable to enabling Siri to control robot vacs is such a heavy feature it needs more time. HomeKit is trash. I appreciate there are devout people who ove it, but the rest of us have home automation of every product that day it's released. I guess Matter does not matter anymore? Wasn't that supposed to help HomeKit not suck and not support 95% of SmartHome products?
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