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macrumors 6502
Nov 7, 2021
A small island near Europe
I think Tim Apple means well and I wouldn't call him the biggest mistake ever. Tim is just another suit like John Sculley was. No more. No less. I guess there's nothing wrong with this but when you consider what Steve did to turn around the AAPL trajectory. The irony is that Steve just wasn't very good at choosing CEOs who were not him.
I mean, I don’t think we will ever find another Steve Jobs. What was special about him was that he was genuinely unique, sometimes to his detriment, I mean without wanting to be controversial but alternative therapies for cancer. It’s wacky at least. But he really was a visionary, and I think his unique role was perfect for the time he worked, right at the beginning of this whole home computer revolution. Not to say he wouldn’t be creative in today’s world but sadly we will never know. Can we really hope for someone like him again? I think it’s problematic to compare those historical periods with how things are today, it’s all so different. Sometimes those people who are the most gifted in terms of being creative and original are also quite problematic and getting those ideas is great but do you want someone like that running your company?


macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
My 2nd vision of Tim Cook that pops in my mind was when he guests on a NTC wpix TV morning show.
the typical TV left side brunette bombshell asked Tim if  makes a new phone every year to fix the previous phone's mistakes. Tim let out a large quick laugh, then boasted about how great they will be.

He is fake, a non-visionary, "apple+ or else" bully, plastic spineless character who has only one thing
in his favor, which is the most important aspect of this century and computing,
Tim cares about YOUR security.


macrumors 6502
Nov 7, 2021
A small island near Europe
My 2nd vision of Tim Cook that pops in my mind was when he guests on a NTC wpix TV morning show.
the typical TV left side brunette bombshell asked Tim if  makes a new phone every year to fix the previous phone's mistakes. Tim let out a large quick laugh, then boasted about how great they will be.

He is fake, a non-visionary, "apple+ or else" bully, plastic spineless character who has only one thing
in his favor, which is the most important aspect of this century and computing,
Tim cares about YOUR security.
I mean, to be fair, over in the States you are going to get much more media coverage than we do over here in the UK, we rarely get exposed to media presentations of Tim. I could look them up on you tube but often don't as I'm not so interested really. And of course, I am no expert on anything. But, it seems stable? I think he genuinely cares about the company, he's dedicated. No he nor anyone else for that matter is going to be as visionary as Steve. But for contrast, remember when Steve appointed some bloke whose experience was mostly selling sugary drinks? That didn't go all that well. It could be worse?


macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2003
My 2nd vision of Tim Cook that pops in my mind was when he guests on a NTC wpix TV morning show.
the typical TV left side brunette bombshell asked Tim if  makes a new phone every year to fix the previous phone's mistakes. Tim let out a large quick laugh, then boasted about how great they will be.

"We couldn't be more excited about [INSERT PRODUCT NAME HERE]"

Und Eser

macrumors member
Dec 17, 2022
Tim had high hopes with the Apple Vision Pro but it failed spectacularly. It lacks a killer feature, it lacks a purpose, and it is just too expensive for a toy.

Apple had to cancel multiple products in order to give all resources to the development of this flop device: Apple's Car, the Charging Pad, even the iPhone mini 14 and 15 were canceled because of this.

There might even be a link to Jony Ive's departure from Apple, because he wanted nothing to do with "that stupid goggles".

Tim was chasing the pink dragon with this, now Apple is in a sort of dead end:

Phones without real innovation.

Computers with soldered 8 gigs of RAM.

Watches, that tell the world: this person is a nerdy nerd.

And Apple TV without any serious sports league.

How long can Apple survive with this Mediocrity?

Who will be the next CEO?
I don't hold my tongue about stuff that annoys me about Apple, but this is bollocks.

Eric Idle

macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2020
I mean at least it's a well researched and reasonable position you have there. 😍

When you look at how much money Tim Cook has pissed away (tens of BILLIONS of dollars), building such ridiculously non Apple products as Apple TV+ and all the other me too, NON tech items, instead of driving forward innovation, then you understand what a totally worthless CEO Cook has been.
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Und Eser

macrumors member
Dec 17, 2022
If you say so.
I just did.

As for your other effort, Apple’s market capitalisation has grown ~600% to nearly $2.5 trillion and its annual revenue has more than doubled since Tim Cook took over from Steve Jobs.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Sep 24, 2022
As for your other effort, Apple’s market capitalisation has grown ~600% to nearly $2.5 trillion and its annual revenue has more than doubled since Tim Cook took over from Steve Jobs.
Tim Apple is great for milking the iPhone every year with new models that need every superlative from AAPL marketing to worship. People are looking for innovation as milking a cash cow is any company's undoing. They never see it until it's too late.
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Eric Idle

macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2020
I just did.

As for your other effort, Apple’s market capitalisation has grown ~600% to nearly $2.5 trillion and its annual revenue has more than doubled since Tim Cook took over from Steve Jobs.
Utterly irrelevant.

Steve Jobs' Apple is the real legacy of the company. No one cares about Tim Cook's Apple.

Eric Idle

macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2020
Tim Apple is great for milking the iPhone every year with new models that need every superlative from AAPL marketing to worship. People are looking for innovation as milking a cash cow is any company's undoing. They never see it until it's too late.

Absolutely correct. Tim Cook is in the process of running Apple into the ground.

No innovation, no survival. It's that simple. Tim Cook should have been FIRED years ago.

Und Eser

macrumors member
Dec 17, 2022
Utterly irrelevant.

Steve Jobs' Apple is the real legacy of the company. No one cares about Tim Cook's Apple.
Your assumptions and generalisation are what’s utterly irrelevant, not Apple’s standing as a for-profit.

Submitted your application yet btw? Heard Jobs could be bombastic too…

Und Eser

macrumors member
Dec 17, 2022
Tim Apple is great for milking the iPhone every year with new models that need every superlative from AAPL marketing to worship. People are looking for innovation as milking a cash cow is any company's undoing. They never see it until it's too late.
Thing is, not everyone doesn’t think Apple’s products are innovative enough. Everyone knows they’re too expensive, but that doesn’t stop millions buying them.
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macrumors newbie
Mar 27, 2014
Tim had high hopes with the Apple Vision Pro but it failed spectacularly. It lacks a killer feature, it lacks a purpose, and it is just too expensive for a toy.

Apple had to cancel multiple products in order to give all resources to the development of this flop device: Apple's Car, the Charging Pad, even the iPhone mini 14 and 15 were canceled because of this.

There might even be a link to Jony Ive's departure from Apple, because he wanted nothing to do with "that stupid goggles".

Tim was chasing the pink dragon with this, now Apple is in a sort of dead end:

Phones without real innovation.

Computers with soldered 8 gigs of RAM.

Watches, that tell the world: this person is a nerdy nerd.

And Apple TV without any serious sports league.

How long can Apple survive with this Mediocrity?

Who will be the next CEO?

Based on your words of wisdom, I assume you invested in a zoom when the iPod came out and you probably bought a Samsung when the iMac came out. I can’t believe how wrong you are in this paradigm shift Apple vision is the wave of the future and I can’t wait for it do you wanna know why?

Tomorrow I am scheduled for spinal fusion surgery that most likely will leave me paralyzed in both of my arms. It would sure be nice to use a computer with my eyes and fingers don’t discount technology and don’t discount technology advance.
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macrumors newbie
Jun 13, 2018
"Non-Apple" products have always been the success story of Apple. Tim Cook is continuing that tradition. With those successes come failures, or dead ends, or reversals of direction. Remember Guy Kawasaki said that the most important thing he learned from Steve Jobs was that changing your mind is a sign of intelligence, that if you are doing something wrong, you should change it. The scale of Tim's Apple vs Steve's Apple changes the scale of those changes in direction.

The person who claims to have foreseen that black and green text on a screen Apple would make the iMac, or the iPod, or the watch or any of the services it does now is a liar.

Remember that Jobs relied on Cook for his organization, for his dedication, and for his ability to transform the praise and desire for Apple products into actual commercial success. He is not the same creative that Jobs was, but he brings his own strengths to the table.
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