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macrumors G5
Jun 21, 2013
Remember though: the issue isn’t Tapatalk. It’s people on beta software using Tapatalk. Seems a bit harsh to outright ban an app for what a small subset of its users are using as their base software. I’d go for something that restricts iOS 18 users on Tapatalk, as Stumpy alludes to above.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Apr 21, 2012
Whichever they can do, seeing all the emoji gibberish is annoying and could continue for a couple more months.

No, disagree. It should absolutely not be removed for everyone. Anyone that uses a beta has to take what comes along with that…positive and negative.


macrumors G3
Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
No, disagree. It should absolutely not be removed for everyone. Anyone that uses a beta has to take what comes along with that…positive and negative.
The real problem is that people on the beta use Tapatalk and their posts translate to this gibberish, but ALL OF US have to wade through garbage posts. I'd hate to see Tapatalk removed for everyone, but at the same time, the result of a few beta posters using Tapatalk affects us all.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Apr 21, 2012
The real problem is that people on the beta use Tapatalk and their posts translate to this gibberish, but ALL OF US have to wade through garbage posts. I'd hate to see Tapatalk removed for everyone, but at the same time, the result of a few beta posters using Tapatalk affects us all.

I get what you are saying, absolutely. But the vast majority of people are still on 17 or lower and should not be penalised. I would suggest that code is put in place to stop anyone on 18 beta from using Tapatalk. No idea how that would be done though.


macrumors G5
Jun 21, 2013
Currently everyone is being penalised by the rubbish they are posting.
Or those doing this can do what I did: stop using Tapatalk to post until this gets fixed.

It’s not as convenient for me but much better results. We don’t always need a high tech solution; sometimes a little common sense goes a long way.


macrumors 65816
May 7, 2009
I think they could actually just ban some of the gibberish characters from the forum software. By doing that, tapatalk posts would automatically get rejected as "containing inappropriate words" (basically misusing the moderation/censorship feature to ban the weird emojis tapatalk posts).


macrumors 603
Nov 28, 2013
If this forum's s/w can accurately determine both that the user posted with Tapatalk and that they're using iOS 18, then that'd be perfect. Just block those posts.

Having said that, I've not seen that emoji garbage recently. Maybe the main culprits have finally noticed and stopped using TT or maybe some poor mods are running around deleting them all. Either way, that also works.
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