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Jul 12, 2016
Doing okay. Just have to learn to control my attitude during this time. Just smashed two ps4 remotes over a game lol. But haven’t smoked yet.
Yeah…CyberPunk2077 will do that to ya. Although, I just prefer to use loud obscene-profanities and back elbow my leather recliner really hard. I find the leather seems to be finally broken in on the contrary.😁


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2020
something I've heard is that a nicotine addiction lasts 72-hours to kick, but the oral fixation is the real problem


macrumors 601
Feb 5, 2017
Over here
I smoked for 25 years, I am 50 later this year. Just decided enough was enough and stopped. Never looked back. Even now my kids comment on the way I hold a pen or put it up to my mouth as if smoking. The cravings have long gone but the actual act of holding a cigarette has never left me, 5 years later.


macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2008
I quit smoking 11 years ago. One day after my first boy was born. It was difficult. I didn't take anything.
If you could do one day, you can do two days and so on. Keep being strong. You can do it. You won't regret it. Furthermore, you'll start feeling better in some weeks.


macrumors 6502
Sep 30, 2019
I am going to be 37 years old in march. I’ve been a smoker full time for roughly 20 years. I’m tired of it. Today is my last day as a smoker. I’ve quit opiates, alcohol and other things in the past. I have faith in myself I can do this as well.

I’m not sure that this thread is allowed. So if it isn’t. My apologies. I’m just reaching out wherever I can for support.

So tomorrow is day 1. When I wake up. I will not have a cigarette. Tonight before I goto bed. I will dispose of what’s left of my current pack, my ashtrays and whatever else I have that facilitates my addiction. I’ve told anybody that comes to my house. It will now be a smoke free house. I do not even want them brought into my house. Please leave them in your car. My house, my rules. I’ve tried this before and always failed. Something seems different this time. And I’m sure I’ve said that the numerous amounts of times I’ve tried before.

I will check back in here on a daily basis. I just want to know. Is there anyone else who is about to quit, had quit or is thinking of quitting and interested in taking this journey with me?

I know that I can do this. I have a lot of faith in myself. I’ve been planning this for about a month now. I do not wish to use replacement therapy. I want nicotine out of my life. Once and for all. And the only way to do this is cold turkey. I understand I will go through withdrawals. I am a 2 pack a day smoker. My cigarettes are $5 per pack. 10$/day equals out to 70 a week. $280 per month. $3,360 / year. That will be some very nice vacation money when I goto Florida for my yearly vacation.

So happy new year to all, and here’s to a smokeless tomorrow!
good luck.. I am 1 pack a day at $12.39 a pack... you do the math. Tried it all nothing worked... while my wife quit cold turkey years ago. So good luck to you I'm working on getting down to 1/2 pack day... so hope it works for both. :)


macrumors newbie
Jan 12, 2022
As I was looking for online support myself I came across your thread and decided to add to it. Day 6 here, a 36 yr old female and have smoked for about 20 years. I vaped for a week before going cold turkey and have been without nicotine for 6 days now. Started with a stint of possible covid, so it’s hard to tell what physical symptoms are Covid and what are withdrawals. I am also prone to depression and I tell you brother, I am feeling it! Insomnia, headaches, stomach pain, fatigue.. but the change in mood is the worst part. But it will pass! Like other posters have said, if we can do one day, we can do two, then a week, then 2 weeks. I have read that in about 3-4 weeks our brains should start making the chemicals it stopped producing thinking we didn’t need them from the presence of nicotine.. one of my favorite female Bible teachers, Joyce Meyer stated when she stopped smoking many years ago that she was very uncomfortable. We are going to be uncomfortable in the beginning but it won’t last but the reward will! Try to meditate on Gods word during this time, turn on k-love and listen to praise music when feeling agitated or enraged, I’ve made my mind up to do it for God and it has made this attempt unlike any of the others! God bless you brother! I pray you are successful and stay strong! You can do this!
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Mar 13, 2019
Hey, good on you for deciding to quit! Quitting smoking is hard, but it's possible. I quit a few years ago after smoking a pack a day for 15 years. Setting small goals and rewarding myself when I reached them really helped. Going cold turkey is tough, but it sounds like you're ready. One tip: keep yourself busy, especially when you usually smoke. Exercise, hobbies, or even just a walk can help a lot. Keep in mind that everybody have their own methos. I know people that started eating chips whenever they wanted to smoke. Me for instance, I started using the Nexus Smoke vapes, whenever I feel the need to smoke. Just find your own method and keep going.
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macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2006
Texas, unfortunately.
I've been smoking about 20 years myself, definitely need to kick it to the curb. I've tried a couple times in the past few years, but I've never made it more than a week. But I've been getting the urge to try again more and more lately, even getting to the point of setting a quit date once or twice - only to chicken out at the last moment. In fact, today was supposed to be a quit day for me but I didn't even make the attempt... I'd like to try something like Chantix to see how much it helps, cold turkey has been the most successful for me so far. Tried switching to vaping, but to me it's like the biggest tease in the world; gives me just the slightest hint of feeling the nicotine, but only enough to increase the cravings no matter how much I hit on one. Plus, one of the biggest reasons I want to quit is to save the money I'm spending on cigarettes, and vaping can get pretty expensive real quick.

I don't know. It's so hard to give up something that you know you need to when you genuinely enjoy doing it. I absolutely love smoking, always have ever since I first started - that first cigarette of the day is almost always far and away the best part of each and every day. And I worry about what I could possibly replace that feeling with, if it's even possible to do. Ugh, it's so crazy to me how I can adore something that is slowly killing me. 😫 I just hope I can figure out how to rid myself of this addiction once and for all, and soon at that.


macrumors regular
Jul 18, 2022
Smoked for over 40 years, from 14 to 59. Tried many methods including e-cigs over the years, but nothing satisfied me. Finaly tried Juul in Feb of 2020 and have not smoked a cig since. Even being around smokers doesn't bother me.
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