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macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2014
Unfortunately, we may not see a resolution to Baylan's arc, since Ray Stevenson died. Too bad too, I thought he was the most interesting character.
Yeah, aside from the main story about Ahsoka and Thrown, Baylan's story is the most interesting. I saw on IG (I think) that if they were to recast him for season 2 or Filoni's movie, they could get Liev Schreiber to do it. Physically, they look very similar but of course, whether he could bring the presence of the character is another matter.
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macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
Yeah, aside from the main story about Ahsoka and Thrown, Baylan's story is the most interesting. I saw on IG (I think) that if they were to recast him for season 2 or Filoni's movie, they could get Liev Schreiber to do it. Physically, they look very similar but of course, whether he could bring the presence of the character is another matter.

Saw this too and I think he could pull it off. I really like Liev and like pretty much anything he has done and as soon as I saw the post on IG... I knew it could work.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Yeah, aside from the main story about Ahsoka and Thrown, Baylan's story is the most interesting. I saw on IG (I think) that if they were to recast him for season 2 or Filoni's movie, they could get Liev Schreiber to do it. Physically, they look very similar but of course, whether he could bring the presence of the character is another matter.
Recasting seems to be the answer as the story takes precedence.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022 series, Disney+)- “You should have killed me when you had the chance” takes on a new tortured meaning in a mostly meaningless sequel. I do like Ewan McGregor though… 🤔

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macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022 series, Disney+)- “You should have killed me when you had the chance” takes on a new tortured meaning in a mostly meaningless sequel. I do like Ewan McGregor though… 🤔

This series was a let down for me except for the last episode and the last few minutes. That was the best part of the whole show for me and if they could have had that throughout the show it would have been one of the best shows. But sadly we didn't... Again these are just my opinions. I know some folks really liked it, and some folks really hated it.

So far for me, Andor has been the expanded universe Star Wars show that seems to be running on all cylinders and is one of the best shows out there. Mano seasons one and two are pretty darn good too!
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macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2014
This series was a let down for me except for the last episode and the last few minutes. That was the best part of the whole show for me and if they could have had that throughout the show it would have been one of the best shows. But sadly we didn't... Again these are just my opinions. I know some folks really liked it, and some folks really hated it.

So far for me, Andor has been the expanded universe Star Wars show that seems to be running on all cylinders and is one of the best shows out there. Mano seasons one and two are pretty darn good too!
I liked Obi-Wan but I didn't love it. I agree that the last episode was the peak for the show but for the most part, the show was kind of meh. There were good parts in it and seeing Obi-Wan's PTSD was, IMO, critical for the show to work. Seeing young Luke and Leia was cool but the whole premise of the show kind of went against his sole mission of protecting Luke. The Reva stuff with the inquisitors. It's one of those shows where knowing the entire back-story is really a necessity because if you were to watch it without knowing anything else, you are lost from the start of it and I think it tried to play both sides of the fence.
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macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
I liked Obi-Wan but I didn't love it. I agree that the last episode was the peak for the show but for the most part, the show was kind of meh. There were good parts in it and seeing Obi-Wan's PTSD was, IMO, critical for the show to work. Seeing young Luke and Leia was cool but the whole premise of the show kind of went against his sole mission of protecting Luke. The Reva stuff with the inquisitors. It's one of those shows where knowing the entire back-story is really a necessity because if you were to watch it without knowing anything else, you are lost from the start of it and I think it tried to play both sides of the fence.

Agreed on all accounts. The Obi stuff is what I liked, I could not stand the Leia plot, or the inquistors. There were to many things to list on both those plot lines that made the show almost unwatchable for me. But I powered through it and thankfully we did get the last episode which I loved.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
This series was a let down for me except for the last episode and the last few minutes. That was the best part of the whole show for me and if they could have had that throughout the show it would have been one of the best shows. But sadly we didn't... Again these are just my opinions. I know some folks really liked it, and some folks really hated it.

So far for me, Andor has been the expanded universe Star Wars show that seems to be running on all cylinders and is one of the best shows out there. Mano seasons one and two are pretty darn good too!
I started off feeling neutral about Andor, and then it grabbed me! :D

What would have blown people’s minds in Obi-Wan is if this show had delved into an alternate Star Wars “What If” reality territory and Obi-Wan did what he should have done in Episode 3… 🤔
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
The acolyte trailer dropped and it seems that a lot of fans are unhappy about it., the like to dislike ration seems about 2 to 1 in hating it


I have to agree with this Yter on the points she raises.

I also don't like how they retcon and rewrite history and this seems to be more of that in this project. The trailer implies the sith, but yet in the Phantom Menace, the Jedi stated that the they thought the Sith were dead. What about the rule of 2? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but with the inclusion of that flying red light saber its hard to not assume the Sith

The one thing that I've grown to hate is when one of Disney's Star Wars/Marvel projects fail they blame the fans. Why antagonize the very customers who are spending money to see their stuff?


macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2014
The acolyte trailer dropped and it seems that a lot of fans are unhappy about it., the like to dislike ration seems about 2 to 1 in hating it

View attachment 2361635

I have to agree with this Yter on the points she raises.

I also don't like how they retcon and rewrite history and this seems to be more of that in this project. The trailer implies the sith, but yet in the Phantom Menace, the Jedi stated that the they thought the Sith were dead. What about the rule of 2? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but with the inclusion of that flying red light saber its hard to not assume the Sith

The one thing that I've grown to hate is when one of Disney's Star Wars/Marvel projects fail they blame the fans. Why antagonize the very customers who are spending money to see their stuff?
Personally, I'm excited for the Acolyte. As for the "Retcon" and rewriting history, I don't think of it that way. The Acolyte takes place about 150 years before TPM and this era is being explored and explained as part of the High Republic series of books and comics. So in a lot of ways, the Acolyte is filling in blanks that hadn't been explored yet.

As for the Jedi assuming the sith were dead, as was stated in TPM by Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi "The sith have been extinct for over a millennia", obviously their assumptions were wrong. It's not inconceivable that the sith have been in hiding all this time and clearly, they had no clue that a sith lord was hiding in plain sight as a Senator. So it's not that the Sith have been dead this whole time but rather, the Jedi weren't looking for them. Luke Skywalker said as much in TLJ...

"Now That They’re Extinct, The Jedi Are Romanticized, Deified. But If You Strip Away The Myth And Look At Their Deeds, The Legacy Of The Jedi Is Failure. Hypocrisy. Hubris... At The Height Of Their Powers They Allowed Darth Sidious To Rise, Create The Empire, And Wipe Them Out. It was a Jedi Master Who Was Responsible For The Training And Creation Of Darth Vader.”

I know the Acolyte isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea and that's ok. Just like how certain people loved Obi-Wan or hated it. Same with Mandalorian, Andor, Ahsoka and Boba Fett


macrumors 65816
Oct 23, 2007
Columbus, OH
The acolyte trailer dropped and it seems that a lot of fans are unhappy about it., the like to dislike ration seems about 2 to 1 in hating it

View attachment 2361635

I have to agree with this Yter on the points she raises.

I also don't like how they retcon and rewrite history and this seems to be more of that in this project. The trailer implies the sith, but yet in the Phantom Menace, the Jedi stated that the they thought the Sith were dead. What about the rule of 2? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but with the inclusion of that flying red light saber its hard to not assume the Sith

The one thing that I've grown to hate is when one of Disney's Star Wars/Marvel projects fail they blame the fans. Why antagonize the very customers who are spending money to see their stuff?
The Rule of Two hasn't truly been canon under various Sith Lords for years, even before the Disney buyout. Also, the Rule of Two is self-enforced, it's not like Darth Bane will show up and murder you for breaking it. Hell, even Lucas actively ignored it in the OG and Prequel Eras; Garth, Lumiya, Mara Jade, Dooku, etc. Then Sidious' apprentices had their own then canon apprentices like Starkiller and Ventress.

And honestly, most of the people who make these videos have their own agendas, and a lot of them only have a surface knowledge, at best, of what they're criticizing. And contrary to popular belief Disney isn't killing Star Wars (or Marvel). For all the YT talking heads' end of Star Wars crap, in the fiscal year last year Disney made $12Billion off of Star Wars alone (marvel making Disney $33Billion).

And lastly, using YouTube metrics to judge anything is silly.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2014
And honestly, most of the people who make these videos have their own agendas, and a lot of them only have a surface knowledge, at best, of what they're criticizing. And contrary to popular belief Disney isn't killing Star Wars (or Marvel). For all the YT talking heads' end of Star Wars crap, in the fiscal year last year Disney made $12Billion off of Star Wars alone (marvel making Disney $33Billion).

And lastly, using YouTube metrics to judge anything is silly.
Bingo. The YT channel "Star Wars Explained" is an EXCELLENT resource of in-depth, comprehensive, knowledgable information. They truly, passionately and deeply love Star Wars. They will make criticisms of things when necessary or when they feel is justified but they wont publish videos for the sake of bashing on Disney/Lucas. If they do have a criticism of something, they usually back it up with a reasonable justification OR explain their criticism while in context of referring to the larger story.

That channel is one of the few that I subscribe to on YT that I genuinely love to watch. IMO, the rest of the SW channels are 99% about how the sky is falling because Disney deviated from THEIR head canon so everything is horrible and wrong.

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Bingo. The YT channel "Star Wars Explained" is an EXCELLENT resource of in-depth, comprehensive, knowledgable information. They truly, passionately and deeply love Star Wars. They will make criticisms of things when necessary or when they feel is justified but they wont publish videos for the sake of bashing on Disney/Lucas. If they do have a criticism of something, they usually back it up with a reasonable justification OR explain their criticism while in context of referring to the larger story.

That channel is one of the few that I subscribe to on YT that I genuinely love to watch. IMO, the rest of the SW channels are 99% about how the sky is falling because Disney deviated from THEIR head canon so everything is horrible and wrong.
To be fair Disney did deviate from a load of canon in the original novels and expanded universe.
But the vast majority of YT channels are about creating a following and engagement to push their videos up the YT algorithm.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2014
To be fair Disney did deviate from a load of canon in the original novels and expanded universe.
But the vast majority of YT channels are about creating a following and engagement to push their videos up the YT algorithm.
Ignored, intentionally forgot and erased the original EU is what they did. My favorite character, Kyle Katarn, was no exception and I'm still salty about it.

Yes, the original EU was a mess and at times, even I found myself having to remember what happened, when but to just erase it completely was dumb.


To play devils advocate, I get why they did it. They wanted a blank slate so to speak so they had to drastically change all of the events that happened after ROTJ. I dont like it but I get why they did it.

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Ignored, intentionally forgot and erased the original EU is what they did. My favorite character, Kyle Katarn, was no exception and I'm still salty about it.

Yes, the original EU was a mess and at times, even I found myself having to remember what happened, when but to just erase it completely was dumb.


To play devils advocate, I get why they did it. They wanted a blank slate so to speak so they had to drastically change all of the events that happened after ROTJ. I dont like it but I get why they did it.
Agreed. But I was invested in that EU pretty heavily over the decades.


macrumors 65816
Oct 23, 2007
Columbus, OH
To be fair Disney did deviate from a load of canon in the original novels and expanded universe.
But the vast majority of YT channels are about creating a following and engagement to push their videos up the YT algorithm.
To be fair, the old EU was a continuity mess. I'm glad they dumped it all into Legends and started anew, and reusing concepts from the Legends stuff to fit.

Still mad tho that Mara is STILL not canon, same with Pink One. I think that was her call sign, but she was a YouTuber back in the day that was a funny, bimbo/mall rat stereotype X-Wing pilot. Zahn and a couple other authors snuck her into books at the time.

Edit: Sadly, I'm seeing more complaints about Abigail Thorne being in Acolyte than the continuity stuff.
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macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
The acolyte trailer dropped and it seems that a lot of fans are unhappy about it., the like to dislike ration seems about 2 to 1 in hating it

View attachment 2361635

I have to agree with this Yter on the points she raises.

I also don't like how they retcon and rewrite history and this seems to be more of that in this project. The trailer implies the sith, but yet in the Phantom Menace, the Jedi stated that the they thought the Sith were dead. What about the rule of 2? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but with the inclusion of that flying red light saber its hard to not assume the Sith

The one thing that I've grown to hate is when one of Disney's Star Wars/Marvel projects fail they blame the fans. Why antagonize the very customers who are spending money to see their stuff?

A lot of what I have been seeing and hearing regarding this trailer is as follows:
  • Lots of women in the cast
  • Lots of people of color in the cast
  • No more white males
  • The director has made comments that have put a lot of the original Star Wars fans off... or down right pissed them off.
    • Comments about George Lucas
  • The director is "pushing" to make this an LGBTQ with an emphasis on the "L" or "Q" Star Wars series, versus just a Star Wars series.
    • The director making it about her, that she is a queer person doing a Star Wars series.
    • She is an ex Harvey Weinstein personal assistant.
  • The series will be "Woke".
  • Hiring a writer who supposedly knows nothing about Star Wars... so there are perceived issues about continuity within the Star Wars lore.
    • One of the comments I heard, this is almost like bringing someone in, who knows nothing about a certain war, and have them write a movie about that war.
    • Also, the sith are the good people, supposedly. Justifying them being bad.
    • The religious piece of the Star Wars lore is bad, and religion as a whole is bad, so we are going to try and remove that piece of it.
There is more, but these seem to be some of the items I have heard over the past few days.

I first watched the trailer before reading or listening to any of the youtubers and I can say in hindsight, yup, there is a lot of what I am hearing in the show, and this is coming from a two minute plus or minus trailer. It is Star Wars, so I will give it a try, by my expectations are super low and now having listened to the Director over the past day or so, my expectations are even lower.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2014
A lot of what I have been seeing and hearing regarding this trailer is as follows:
  • Lots of women in the cast
  • Lots of people of color in the cast
  • No more white males
  • The director has made comments that have put a lot of the original Star Wars fans off... or down right pissed them off.
    • Comments about George Lucas
  • The director is "pushing" to make this an LGBTQ with an emphasis on the "L" or "Q" Star Wars series, versus just a Star Wars series.
    • The director making it about her, that she is a queer person doing a Star Wars series.
    • She is an ex Harvey Weinstein personal assistant.
  • The series will be "Woke".
  • Hiring a writer who supposedly knows nothing about Star Wars... so there are perceived issues about continuity within the Star Wars lore.
    • One of the comments I heard, this is almost like bringing someone in, who knows nothing about a certain war, and have them write a movie about that war.
    • Also, the sith are the good people, supposedly. Justifying them being bad.
    • The religious piece of the Star Wars lore is bad, and religion as a whole is bad, so we are going to try and remove that piece of it.
There is more, but these seem to be some of the items I have heard over the past few days.

I first watched the trailer before reading or listening to any of the youtubers and I can say in hindsight, yup, there is a lot of what I am hearing in the show, and this is coming from a two minute plus or minus trailer. It is Star Wars, so I will give it a try, by my expectations are super low and now having listened to the Director over the past day or so, my expectations are even lower.
Some of those points, I wont list which ones, aren't necessarily a bad thing. I remember the Clone Wars being written off even before it premiered because it was "animated" and "geared towards kids" and it ended up being a masterpiece, even if not ALL of it is widely loved or accepted.

Just give it a chance and see what happens.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
A lot of what I have been seeing and hearing regarding this trailer is as follows:
I will say that your assessment is correct, and without delving into PRSI territory, I believe this has largely been a common theme coming from Disney studios for some time across many of the franchises.

My perspective is that pushing narratives that may fall outside of the core audience is only going to continue the alienation of the fan base. Never mind lashing out and attacking them when they choose not watch something they do not like. I don't mind seeing a balanced cast, that's not my point but it sounds like Disney is pushing a message that does not align with a large number of Star Wars fans.


macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
Some of those points, I wont list which ones, aren't necessarily a bad thing. I remember the Clone Wars being written off even before it premiered because it was "animated" and "geared towards kids" and it ended up being a masterpiece, even if not ALL of it is widely loved or accepted.

Just give it a chance and see what happens.

I agree about Clone Wars, however this is something a little more than gears towards kids. Also, I am just pointing out what has been said. Not necessarily my views, but what is being put out.

I will say that your assessment is correct, and without delving into PRSI territory, I believe this has largely been a common theme coming from Disney studios for some time across many of the franchises.

My perspective is that pushing narratives that may fall outside of the core audience is only going to continue the alienation of the fan base. Never mind lashing out and attacking them when they choose not watch something they do not like. I don't mind seeing a balanced cast, that's not my point but it sounds like Disney is pushing a message that does not align with a large number of Star Wars fans.

I'm running out of chances to give, as much as I love seeing a star wars movie, series, cartoons, etc. What disney produces has not lived up to the great story telling that we've expected. They seem more interested in virtue signaling, instead of presenting a rich and engaging story.

I am in the same boat, I will try it and see, but I am too am running out of steam for Disney's offerings, whether Star Wars or Marvel based. Andor and Mandalorian are my two favorite shows, followed by a few episodes from the other three shows, just not the shows as a whole.
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macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2011
I will say that your assessment is correct, and without delving into PRSI territory, I believe this has largely been a common theme coming from Disney studios for some time across many of the franchises.

My perspective is that pushing narratives that may fall outside of the core audience is only going to continue the alienation of the fan base. Never mind lashing out and attacking them when they choose not watch something they do not like. I don't mind seeing a balanced cast, that's not my point but it sounds like Disney is pushing a message that does not align with a large number of Star Wars fans.

And how is that working out for them?

I'm running out of chances to give, as much as I love seeing a star wars movie, series, cartoons, etc. What disney produces has not lived up to the great story telling that we've expected. They seem more interested in virtue signaling, instead of presenting a rich and engaging story.

I expect Andor to be the last one I watch.


macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2011
I am in the same boat, I will try it and see, but I am too am running out of steam for Disney's offerings, whether Star Wars or Marvel based. Andor and Mandalorian are my two favorite shows, followed by a few episodes from the other three shows, just not the shows as a whole.

I gave up on Marvel years ago and it had nothing to do with their virtue signalling or pushing narratives.

I just couldn't keep up with what was going on across all the movies. Like Captain America, great, you have to watch all these other Avenger movies to know all the backstories. I simply didn't have the time or desire to keep up.
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