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macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
How far did the Star Trek crew went with their warp speed ships. Did they went 8 billion light years away or were they Lurking in this milky way Galaxy!

In general, Star Trek stayed relatively close to Earth due to most peer star systems within a few thousand light years and therefore reachable within days or weeks at TOS era warp speeds (which generally topped out around 100c). In the TOS episode "By Any Other Name" the Enterprise was taken over by the Kelvans who modified the ship to make the journey back to the Andromeda Galaxy within 300 years. However, the ship only left the Milky Way for a short period before Kirk and Company regained control and headed back (the same happened in the TOS episode "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")

The Enterprise also travelled to the "center" of the Milky Way in Star Trek V, but this clearly was nowhere near Sagittarius A*. ;)

As noted above, in the TNG episode "Where No One Has Gone Before", thanks to The Traveler the Enterprise-D travelled pas the Triangulum Galaxy (M33) which is 2.7 million light years away.

And, of course, Deep Space 9 and Voyager both took place on opposite corners of the Milky Way from where Earth and the other worlds of the Federation reside.


macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
In general, Star Trek stayed relatively close to Earth due to most peer star systems within a few thousand light years and therefore reachable within days or weeks at TOS era warp speeds (which generally topped out around 100c). In the TOS episode "By Any Other Name" the Enterprise was taken over by the Kelvans who modified the ship to make the journey back to the Andromeda Galaxy within 300 years. However, the ship only left the Milky Way for a short period before Kirk and Company regained control and headed back (the same happened in the TOS episode "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")

The Enterprise also travelled to the "center" of the Milky Way in Star Trek V, but this clearly was nowhere near Sagittarius A*. ;)

As noted above, in the TNG episode "Where No One Has Gone Before", thanks to The Traveler the Enterprise-D travelled pas the Triangulum Galaxy (M33) which is 2.7 million light years away.

And, of course, Deep Space 9 and Voyager both took place on opposite corners of the Milky Way from where Earth and the other worlds of the Federation reside.
Every Trekkie knows Federation ships travel at the speed of plot. No matter how far [or close], the will always arrive with seconds to spare. Or they arrive 2 years too late because the plot dictates it.;) DS9: The Sound of Her Voice.


Apr 23, 2010
Lurking... MW is pretty big... To my knowledge there was only 2 instances where Star Trek crews were catapulted beyond the MW galaxy:

On The Original Series (TOS) Kirk and his crew were catapulted to the Andromeda galaxy, and on The Next Generation series, the Picard and his crew were catapulted to the nearby M33 galaxy...

Not sure if the newer series Discovery crew went beyond with their Spore drive...

I think the Q took Voyager to the edge of the universe at the very beginning of time as the one Q who was suicidal was hiding from regular Q.
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macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
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macrumors 68000
Jun 29, 2020
San Jose, CA
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macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
I was watching her in Succession for nearly the whole season until it dawned on me why her voice was so familiar.

Why do I feel she'll be a classic Trek bad-admiral type?

Quite the possibility. But with that, another question has to be asked: Why do they always bring back actors who are so good that they could play multiple roles and the viewer hardly recognizes it?

Cases in point: Marc Alaimo, Susie Plaxon, Alan Oppenheimer, and Tricia O'Neill.



macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
Every Trekkie knows Federation ships travel at the speed of plot. No matter how far [or close], the will always arrive with seconds to spare. Or they arrive 2 years too late because the plot dictates it.;) DS9: The Sound of Her Voice.
That is the problem with Star Trek in general, at least from Next Generation to Voyager. I have not watched any of the newer series. Not sure why I even watch Star Trek, I think in some ways it is the same reason I will watch a Steven Seagal movie, it is so bad it is enjoyable. Star Trek has to be some of the worst writing in TV and a world that could be great if fleshed out and made believable, but they just did not even bother to try and make sense with anything in my opinion. The concept is great, just wish they had quality writing to back any of it up.


Apr 23, 2010
Discovery ended. Going to watch it tonight. Next up should be the final season of Prodigy. Whenever they decide to show it.

Makisupa Policeman

macrumors 6502
Sep 28, 2021
I didn’t know about this thread until just now. Huge Star Trek geek over here. My favorite series are TNG and DS9.

Voyager is comfort food because that’s the series I grew up with.
Never watched Enterprise but I need to give it a chance—seasons 3/4 are supposedly as good as anything else in the franchise.

The only episodes of the new shows I’ve watched are season 3 of Picard for obvious reasons—which I thought was great btw.

Anyway, glad to be here. Live Long and Prosper! 🖖


macrumors 601
Oct 25, 2008
I didn’t know about this thread until just now. Huge Star Trek geek over here. My favorite series are TNG and DS9.

Voyager is comfort food because that’s the series I grew up with.
Never watched Enterprise but I need to give it a chance—seasons 3/4 are supposedly as good as anything else in the franchise.

The only episodes of the new shows I’ve watched are season 3 of Picard for obvious reasons—which I thought was great btw.

Anyway, glad to be here. Live Long and Prosper! 🖖
Seems the number of series should provide you with a few you may truly enjoy. I grew up on the original. Years later, by odd chance met several of that cast as well as some from STNG. I appreciated Enterprise when it was on though like all the series there are some things great and some things not so great. After watching Disco jump into the future and what happened, I had an even greater appreciation of Enterprise, DS9, Voyager, the original series, and Prodigy. I admit Lower Decks is not my thing but it is very popular. Give it a try.

Makisupa Policeman

macrumors 6502
Sep 28, 2021
Seems the number of series should provide you with a few you may truly enjoy. I grew up on the original. Years later, by odd chance met several of that cast as well as some from STNG. I appreciated Enterprise when it was on though like all the series there are some things great and some things not so great. After watching Disco jump into the future and what happened, I had an even greater appreciation of Enterprise, DS9, Voyager, the original series, and Prodigy. I admit Lower Decks is not my thing but it is very popular. Give it a try.
I should have added that I did watch TOS in passing and I’ve seen all the movies many times. I do love the original cast (awesome that you got to meet some btw!). But I need to do a proper watch through of TOS because I don’t think I truly appreciated it when I was young. I will also give Lower Decks a chance, thanks for the recommendation!
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Apr 23, 2010
In honor of D-Day, James Doohan, aka Scotty, was at Juneau Beach on June 6th, He was credited with shooting two German snipers and was shot at 6 times by a nervous Canadian sentry.


macrumors 68020
Sep 19, 2010
Just finished Discovery. Ok, but not my kind of Star Trek. Hard to explain;

Cast: very good actors so that's not an issue
Plot: hard for me to follow. I get that they are on a "grail quest", but it just seemed to get unnecessarily complicated with all of the clues etc..
Dialog: just too much techno mumbling for me, especially when they are solving some kind of problem. The techno dialog just seems to go on and on and doesn't really add to the story telling....for me.
Character development: For the most part this is good, with the exception of the captain. I get that Kirk, Picard, Janeway, and Archer were all extremely competent and capable leaders. But, they put Burhman on almost a god like level. It was too much. She is a fine actress, but I think they could have made her more relatable and interesting.


Apr 23, 2010
But, they put Burhman on almost a god like level. It was too much. She is a fine actress, but I think they could have made her more relatable and interesting.

AKA, she was a "Mary Sue" - inexplicably competent across all domains. I liked Discovery (in fact, I liked every Star Trek series - though Deep Space 9 is still my favorite), but even I recognize she was a little too good at everything.

Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds also rank high for me.


macrumors 68000
Sep 21, 2018
Just finished Discovery. Ok, but not my kind of Star Trek. Hard to explain;

Cast: very good actors so that's not an issue
Plot: hard for me to follow. I get that they are on a "grail quest", but it just seemed to get unnecessarily complicated with all of the clues etc..
Dialog: just too much techno mumbling for me, especially when they are solving some kind of problem. The techno dialog just seems to go on and on and doesn't really add to the story telling....for me.
Character development: For the most part this is good, with the exception of the captain. I get that Kirk, Picard, Janeway, and Archer were all extremely competent and capable leaders. But, they put Burhman on almost a god like level. It was too much. She is a fine actress, but I think they could have made her more relatable and interesting.
You make a lot of good points. For me it was too much action and then a quiet, profound conversation afterwards. It just made it uneven for me. I’ve always appreciated the focus on meaningful dialogue in other series. Discovery seemed more action focused. I definitely liked it though!

My spouse often made similar comments about Burnham being so powerful. I guess Burnham reminded me a bit of Sisko in that she always was pretty modest about herself but in the end really was someone exemplary. I know DS9 is huge for some fans so I’m not trying to stir the pot with that opinion.


macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
AKA, she was a "Mary Sue" - inexplicably competent across all domains. I liked Discovery (in fact, I liked every Star Trek series - though Deep Space 9 is still my favorite), but even I recognize she was a little too good at everything.

Then again, Michael was raised as a Vulcan and went through the Vulcan educational system as well as being the (adopted) daughter of one of the most important Vulcans of that time. So it stands to reason (at least to me) that she would have received an exceptional education and was expected to be an exceptional person.
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Apr 23, 2010
Then again, Michael was raised as a Vulcan and went through the Vulcan educational system as well as being the (adopted) daughter of one of the most important Vulcans of that time. So it stands to reason (at least to me) that she would have received an exceptional education and was expected to be an exceptional person.

Not educated in those Federation public schools, huh? :D

Yes, that does make sense. Vulcans would demand the highest from her. But apparently, Star Fleet in the 32nd century did away with the "First Officer leads away teams" rule. Because she took lead on every mission. Riker would not approve ;)
  • Haha
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macrumors regular
Sep 15, 2023
United States
Just finished Discovery. Ok, but not my kind of Star Trek. Hard to explain;

Cast: very good actors so that's not an issue
Plot: hard for me to follow. I get that they are on a "grail quest", but it just seemed to get unnecessarily complicated with all of the clues etc..
Dialog: just too much techno mumbling for me, especially when they are solving some kind of problem. The techno dialog just seems to go on and on and doesn't really add to the story telling....for me.
Character development: For the most part this is good, with the exception of the captain. I get that Kirk, Picard, Janeway, and Archer were all extremely competent and capable leaders. But, they put Burhman on almost a god like level. It was too much. She is a fine actress, but I think they could have made her more relatable and interesting.

AKA, she was a "Mary Sue" - inexplicably competent across all domains. I liked Discovery (in fact, I liked every Star Trek series - though Deep Space 9 is still my favorite), but even I recognize she was a little too good at everything.

Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds also rank high for me.

Not educated in those Federation public schools, huh? :D

Yes, that does make sense. Vulcans would demand the highest from her. But apparently, Star Fleet in the 32nd century did away with the "First Officer leads away teams" rule. Because she took lead on every mission. Riker would not approve ;)
  • I feel like Discovery was the same story the last few seasons with one long story arc where all of existence is threatened and of the whole galaxy, only the crew of Discovery has the ability to stop it.
  • I, too, thought it was odd that Burnham had to be the hero on every away mission, First Officer be damned. But maybe a Red Directive? requires otherwise.
  • Strange New Worlds has a much more classic Trek vibe, with an episodic adventure of the week feel, and each episode can be told from an individual character's perspective. Though I do question the Spock/Chapel romance. Rewatching TOS, so far this seems to be an isolated (and unreciprocated) event from The Naked Time epidemic, and SNW took it too far.
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