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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Given that I love cheese, whole fat milk, double cream, and, yes, above all, definitely, butter, obviously, I am not lactose intolerant.

However, ice-cream caused not just pain, but agony in my teeth, - and set off migraines, - thus, from an early age, I simply (politely) declined it, whenever I was offered it.
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Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Wow, we seem to be on a roll here in this waay Off-Topic discussion! Mea culpa. LOL! Probably some of these posts should be moved to one of the threads and discussions actually relating to food......

In the meantime, just adding one more thing here, anyway. As a child, even though others seemed to love milkshakes, I never felt quite right after having one, especially as an accompaniment to a meal, and so I instinctively just simply chose something else instead. It was many years later when I was an adult that I finally learned that what I always experienced when ingesting too much in the way of dairy products was actually lactose intolerance, and once I realized it wasn't just my imagination or any sort of perceived (on the part of others) fussiness about liking/disliking some foods, that made a big difference.

Thankfully, my situation is such that I'm only moderately affected so I actually can and do enjoy some dairy each day, and that works out very well for me. Gotta be able to savor and appreciate those delicious cheeses year-round! Wonderful cheeses are an essential in our gustatory lives, aren't they? In summertime or on special occasions I also do want to indulge in a dish of ice cream every now and then, too. I don't use or keep any sort of milk around the house, just no need for it (drink my coffee black). No need for cream around here, either, and rarely do I purchase and use butter. I've managed to strike the right balance for the most part, as I am all too familiar with what happens when I'm not mindful of my dairy products intake.


macrumors 68020
Aug 18, 2023
Southern California
Given that I love cheese, whole fat milk, double cream, and, yes, above all, definitely, butter, obviously, I am not lactose intolerant.

However, ice-cream caused not just pain, but agony in my teeth, - and set off migraines, - thus, from an early age, I simply (politely) declined it, whenever I was offered it.
Is it an issue with eating/drinking of anything icy cold? I have heard of that being an issue for many.
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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Appreciate your mention of "moderation". :D

Hate to be a spoil-sport (especially on New Years Eve!), but can we try to get this discussion back on topic? Thanks!
That’s quality moderation right there!
Happy new Year to you and all the Mods. Thank you for the work you do. I appreciate it’s a pretty thankless task.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Let me second AFB in his nice post wishing a happy New Year to all the MR team (admins/staff/moderators)! Yes, we appreciate the work you all do in order to keep MR running smoothly and without too many conflicts! It is definitely not an easy responsibility. Many thanks to all of you. May the upcoming 2024 be an exciting and interesting year for everyone who includes MR as part of our lives!


Oct 19, 2007
In my 5 years here I just haven't see that. Occasionally a very small number of members complain about moderation but it's pretty clear from their arguments that they want MR moderated to their personal tastes and against their personal biases and won't stop complaining until they get things done the way they want. Thankfully that doesn't tend to happen.

Spend some time going through the complaints here in S&FF and I'm sure you will recognize the same half dozen members with site and/or moderation complaints, hardly "many, MANY".

I find it interesting that in the 3 weeks you have been a member here you know what "everybody knows and feels about this forum".

Please don't include me in your "everyone". Every time I have questioned a moderation choice I got a response, might not be the one I wanted, but I did get one. YMMV but please dispense with the gross generalizations and assumptions.
I have to say that I think the moderation on this site - when it comes to their sponsors - has nothing to do with MR forum rules. For example, there was a recent post on Friday about “Apple Deals.” Several people, including myself, noted that the first deal was 100% Samsung and had nothing to do with Apple. It was just a link to drive traffic to a sponsor.

Of course, all those posts - every single one - was removed, leaving only two remaining.

Such posts do not violate any MR forum rule I can find. No applicable rule (only irrelevant ones relating to keeping things on topic) were cited. The posts were directly related to the interpretation of an article.

If you dare to ask a question about your moderation, you are ignored.

I’ve been in the forum 17 years. Moderator is being used more to keep anything that can be interpreted as negative to sponsors off the site.

Really sad.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
I have to say that I think the moderation on this site - when it comes to their sponsors - has nothing to do with MR forum rules. For example, there was a recent post on Friday about “Apple Deals.” Several people, including myself, noted that the first deal was 100% Samsung and had nothing to do with Apple. It was just a link to drive traffic to a sponsor.

Of course, all those posts - every single one - was removed, leaving only two remaining.

Such posts do not violate any MR forum rule I can find. No applicable rule (only irrelevant ones relating to keeping things on topic) were cited. The posts were directly related to the interpretation of an article.

If you dare to ask a question about your moderation, you are ignored.

I’ve been in the forum 17 years. Moderator is being used more to keep anything that can be interpreted as negative to sponsors off the site.

Really sad.
Your 17 years of being a MR member should have taught you by now you cannot question the integrity or validity of a thread/post that relates to a sponsor in a negative manner because it will get removed. I've had the same happen to me over the years, questioned the integrity and reasoning of a thread that involves a sponsor and had my posts removed with no explanation of why.


macrumors 68000
the Moderators' Creed ;)
The quality of mercy is not strain'd.
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes.
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown.
His scepter shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptered sway;
It is enthroned in the heart of kings;
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice.


Oct 19, 2007
Your 17 years of being a MR member should have taught you by now you cannot question the integrity or validity of a thread/post that relates to a sponsor in a negative manner because it will get removed. I've had the same happen to me over the years, questioned the integrity and reasoning of a thread that involves a sponsor and had my posts removed with no explanation of why.
I'd like to argue with you, but I can't. But I'm a little surprised at how blatant this is. I'm a part of a few forums (some much more successful than MR), that take such comments seriously and adjust their moderation accordingly to increase site transparency. The results is a forum you can trust and more $$$ for the forum.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
I'd like to argue with you, but I can't. But I'm a little surprised at how blatant this is. I'm a part of a few forums (some much more successful than MR), that take such comments seriously and adjust their moderation accordingly to increase site transparency. The results is a forum you can trust and more $$$ for the forum.
Why would you want to argue with me? my post is agreeing with what you said in your post.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
I have to say that I think the moderation on this site - when it comes to their sponsors - has nothing to do with MR forum rules. For example, there was a recent post on Friday about “Apple Deals.” Several people, including myself, noted that the first deal was 100% Samsung and had nothing to do with Apple. It was just a link to drive traffic to a sponsor.

Of course, all those posts - every single one - was removed, leaving only two remaining.

Such posts do not violate any MR forum rule I can find. No applicable rule (only irrelevant ones relating to keeping things on topic) were cited. The posts were directly related to the interpretation of an article.

If you dare to ask a question about your moderation, you are ignored.

I’ve been in the forum 17 years. Moderator is being used more to keep anything that can be interpreted as negative to sponsors off the site.

Really sad.
If you been on the forum for 17 years, you should have known that questioning the links would be most likely be off-topic to the thread. Secondly, this site needs money to run and if the staff wants to post affiliate link, why should you even care? Just ignore it.
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