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Jun 28, 2023
This is actually a great point. Somehow both Russia and China were among the victors in WW2, so allied nations never mentioned how these both regimes killed millions of their compatriots.

The communists also kept the concentration camps (gulags) and many still use them to this day on their own citizens
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macrumors 6502
Oct 19, 2019
Hudson Valley NY
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - Jon Stewart Is Returning To "The Daily Show" But Will He Get His Security Deposit Back? - YouTube

I'd always thought that Jon's decision to move to streaming was an odd fit for him...why self-limit your product distribution/access to a paywalled garden (that is streaming) where you know, coming into it, that a sizable chunk of your own devoted audience "would not follow you to"? "Streaming" is not "mainstream" and what Mr. Stewart is-and-has-been selling has always been for the "masses".

Bravo to Jon for making the move, and bravo to CC for bringing him back to their platform! Great to "see" you again, kind sir! :)

Comedy Central's The Daily Show - Jon Stewart Tackles The Biden-Trump Rematch That Nobody Wants | The Daily Show - YouTube

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macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2015
Stewart’s delivery is the thing. Not the most controversial but genius timing and phrasing. Dry humour and tasteful sarcasm can turn a viewpoint on a tumbler of water into a king tide of uproarious laughter.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2021
I'm glad Jon is speaking up about this. It really makes me think less of Apple as a institution and the people running it. Clearly, Apple has lost all sense of morals or values and only cares about money. I think Apple seemed like a company with some sense of values at one time, the biggest one being customer satisfaction. I think we can all see that's worn away to almost nothing now
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macrumors 68030
Dec 19, 2009
I'm glad Jon is speaking up about this. It really makes me think less of Apple as a institution and the people running it. Clearly, Apple has lost all sense of morals or values and only cares about money. I think Apple seemed like a company with some sense of values at one time, the biggest one being customer satisfaction. I think we can all see that's worn away to almost nothing now
Well, Apple is one of largest corporations in the world. Why you would expect it to be preaching morals, beyond my understanding. They actually subsidized few of his shows and his viewership fell drastically. What do you expect, give him money forever? Corporations are not preachers, they exist to make money for shareholders and Apple is very good at it. Time to wake up, welcome to real world.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
I'm glad Jon is speaking up about this. It really makes me think less of Apple as a institution and the people running it. Clearly, Apple has lost all sense of morals or values and only cares about money. I think Apple seemed like a company with some sense of values at one time, the biggest one being customer satisfaction. I think we can all see that's worn away to almost nothing now
When has Apple had morals? They are a for profit company, doing what is best to make more and more money for the company and its shareholders. Apple did take pride in customer satisfaction, now they take pride in how eco friendly they are, among the other popular issues.

I would suggest don't look for morals and values from a company. Your morals and values can keep you from buying from them if they go against what you believe which is a good thing, but don't try and get them from them.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
1950 was but a minute ago, and many of the millions killed by communism would still be alive today, but communism is still killing tons of people today, it’s what it produces, death and misery


People still rightfully hate nazis. But Germany wouldn’t have even won a bronze medal compared to the communists when it comes to body count

I think burning communists is a bad idea, especially with how poor the air quality already is in communist areas, plus people would freak out about the “carbon foot print” even though communist countries pollute tons as well

Here is a “green” option

A 200lb communist will produce about 22 gallons of diesel which could be used for cars, heating homes, with extra treatment could even be used as jet fuel

So realistically communists can be good for the world, just not as a communist, ether evolve into a better human or as diesel :)
That’s true. Nazis didn’t get on the podium. Colonialism, which is basically capitalism in disguise, seems to take bronze. Should we consider all those who currently die of hunger and disease that could be avoided if we shared food, clean water and medicine a bit more equally? USA and its attempt to prevent the spread of communism also caused quite a few victims in both Asia and South/Central America.

The fact is that neither communism nor capitalism kills people directly. Neither Marx or Adam Smith said anything about millions of people having to die. These philosophies about how society and economy works doesn’t kill people.

Totalitarianism kills people. Dictators kill people. And it doesn’t really matter what political observance said dictator has. They all have the potential to kill.

Interesting fact btw: Most dictators and totalitarian regimes have originated from a lot of poor people being against some elite - justified or not. And sometimes when some other country doesn’t like the outcome of that and interfere even more people might die.

So if any population is pushed too much into poverty and deprived education the risk of some populist getting a foothold and turn the country into a dictatorship will increase.

But this is getting waaaay off topic now.


Jun 28, 2023
That’s true. Nazis didn’t get on the podium. Colonialism, which is basically capitalism in disguise, seems to take bronze. Should we consider all those who currently die of hunger and disease that could be avoided if we shared food, clean water and medicine a bit more equally? USA and its attempt to prevent the spread of communism also caused quite a few victims in both Asia and South/Central America.

The fact is that neither communism nor capitalism kills people directly. Neither Marx or Adam Smith said anything about millions of people having to die. These philosophies about how society and economy works doesn’t kill people.

Totalitarianism kills people. Dictators kill people. And it doesn’t really matter what political observance said dictator has. They all have the potential to kill.

Interesting fact btw: Most dictators and totalitarian regimes have originated from a lot of poor people being against some elite - justified or not. And sometimes when some other country doesn’t like the outcome of that and interfere even more people might die.

So if any population is pushed too much into poverty and deprived education the risk of some populist getting a foothold and turn the country into a dictatorship will increase.
Government run education also has a very bad history

Go ask any Cuban

It’s mostly indoc, even the Rockefellers who started the government education movement in America said it wasn’t to make the great minds of the country but make better workers

It’s also been used in Cuba, Germany, etc as straight indoc


macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2008
I miss the old late night shows that were funny and no politician or topic was off limits to make jokes about. Now they feel that they have to be a complete opinion show and not funny at all. I would love to see the Daily Show as it was when he first did it. It was enjoyable. His Apple show was a different story


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
Government run education also has a very bad history

Go ask any Cuban

It’s mostly indoc, even the Rockefellers who started the government education movement in America said it wasn’t to make the great minds of the country but make better workers

It’s also been used in Cuba, Germany, etc as straight indoc
Yeah homeschooling and people “doing their own research” (on facebook) is just so much better 😂

Public schools are not a bad thing as long as there’s a decent distance between the government and schools. Government funding the school system neither excludes or equal indoctrination.

But it seems like you prefer the comfort of a very white and black world view. Us and them. Probably can’t help you with that.


Jun 28, 2023
Yeah homeschooling and people “doing their own research” (on facebook) is just so much better 😂

Public schools are not a bad thing as long as there’s a decent distance between the government and schools. Government funding the school system neither excludes or equal indoctrination.

But it seems like you prefer the comfort of a very white and black world view. Us and them. Probably can’t help you with that.
It 100% does

I don’t have Facebook as I’m not a teenage girl, but homeschool and critical independent thought makes a world of difference

I mean public schools borderline on what I’d call child abuse

Plus you have the feral children who will try to attack your child

Add to that the near non existent life experience most teachers have

Tons of good home study courses, I mean the level of research papers online, studies online, plus I have a good network of people around me, my significant other and I are much more successful than 98% of public school teachers, so think we’ll do just fine
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macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2008
It 100% does

I don’t have Facebook as I’m not a teenage girl, but homeschool and critical independent thought makes a world of difference

I mean public schools borderline on what I’d call child abuse

Plus you have the feral children who will try to attack your child

Add to that the near non existent life experience most teachers have

Tons of good home study courses, I mean the level of research papers online, studies online, plus I have a good network of people around me, my significant other and I are much more successful than 98% of public school teachers, so think we’ll do just fine
You do know don’t you, that homeschool means people have less access to a larger array of experiences. So you’re saying that to have greater experiences, you have to have less experiences…. What a non existent life experience point of view.

Also, child abuse is more likely to occur, and less likely to be reported during homeschooling.
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Jun 28, 2023
You do know don’t you, that homeschool means people have less access to a larger array of experiences. So you’re saying that to have greater experiences, you have to have less experiences…. What a non existent life experience to say that.

Also, child abuse is more likely to occur, and less likely to be reported during homeschooling.

Someone thinks your critical thinking is at critical stages of disappearing.
Ba ha ha


The kids I new who are homeschooled are literally traveling the world

Also much much more likely to be abused by feral government school children


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2008
Ba ha ha


The kids I new who are homeschooled are literally traveling the world

Also much much more likely to be abused by feral government school children
So they don’t have jobs?

That last comment makes no sense, and has zero basis. But whatever. i assume you were homeschooled?


Jun 28, 2023
So they don’t have jobs?

That last comment makes no sense, and has zero basis. But whatever. i assume you were homeschooled?

They are like 12 so no lol

But they can actually have a conversation with adults and talk about real things outside of ticktock or be glued to their phones

But alas they won’t know how to twerk or eat tide pods so…yeah missing out on a ton from gov schools


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
It 100% does

I don’t have Facebook as I’m not a teenage girl, but homeschool and critical independent thought makes a world of difference …
Teenage girls have moved beyond facebook.

But homeschooling does NOT ensure critical independent thinking. It might as well do the opposite and bury your kid in the same confirmation biased hole in the ground as the parents live in.

For sure there are parents who does a great job homeschooling their kids. But it doesn’t in any way guarantee critical and independent thinking. And believing that just proves the confirmation bias you have.
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