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macrumors 603
Nov 11, 2020
Mexico City living in Berlin
No it's not. That's actually a multilingual keyboard that can tell which language you are typing and switch accordingly. Only a few languages support this. You can check the link I posted previously to Apples support document.

Since I only type in English and Swedish (Swedish does not support multilingual keyboard) I can tell you that for the most part there is no contextual awareness. It actually blows my mind that iOS cannot remember which keyboard I use in different apps and conversations. In lieu of true multilingual keyboard support for Swedish, this kind of contextual awareness would be incredibly useful. In fact, now that I think about it, that would work just as well for me. Just as long as I don't have to switch keyboards all the time.

The worst part is you can't switch keyboards mid word without autocorrecting to the wrong word first.

yep, same goes to Siri. I always wondered why it cannot just use the language I usually communicate in with contact X like if I am always writing English to my friend X, why can Siri not dictate messages in English to that person. They "improved" it in iOS 17 by recognising a "foreign language - do you still want me to read this ... "gibberish"?

Its such a basic command like

If personX = English;
allow message dictation in English;
dictate message in language Y
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2018
You don’t. If I write „you“, my keyboard automatically continues in English and if I write „genau“, it automatically continues in German, even works in the middle of writing a sentence
oh yeah, I wonder if they improved it somehow to actually switch auto completion etc.


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
No it's not. That's actually a multilingual keyboard that can tell which language you are typing and switch accordingly. Only a few languages support this. You can check the link I posted previously to Apples support document.

Since I only type in English and Swedish (Swedish does not support multilingual keyboard) I can tell you that for the most part there is no contextual awareness. It actually blows my mind that iOS cannot remember which keyboard I use in different apps and conversations. In lieu of true multilingual keyboard support for Swedish, this kind of contextual awareness would be incredibly useful. In fact, now that I think about it, that would work just as well for me. Just as long as I don't have to switch keyboards all the time.

The worst part is you can't switch keyboards mid word without autocorrecting to the wrong word first.
Ok alight. So I unfortunately don’t speak those “supported languages”, thus having no experience of “multilingual support” whatsoever. All I am aware of is that “contextual support” iOS has, and in very limited form.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 9, 2017
Deep inside Europe :-)
Only for a very limited number of languages. If they finally add Swedish to that list it will be by far my favourite new feature in iOS 18 😂

it's not. That's actually a multilingual keyboard that can tell which language you are typing and switch accordingly. Only a few languages support this. You can check the link I posted previously to Apples support document.

Since I only type in English and Swedish (Swedish does not support multilingual keyboard) I can tell you that for the most part there is no contextual awareness. It actually blows my mind that iOS cannot remember which keyboard I use in different apps and conversations. In lieu of true multilingual keyboard support for Swedish, this kind of contextual awareness would be incredibly useful. In fact, now that I think about it, that would work just as well for me. Just as long as I don't have to switch keyboards all the time.

The worst part is you can't switch keyboards mid word without autocorrecting to the wrong word first.
What that list really says? What functionality exactly it gives? At the and I am not sure.

Dictionary: Bilingual​

  • English-Arabic
  • English-Bangla
  • English-Chinese (Simplified)
  • English-Chinese (Traditional)
  • English-Czech
  • English-Dutch
  • English-Finnish
  • English-French
  • English-German
  • English-Greek
  • English-Gujarati
  • English-Hindi
  • English-Hungarian
  • English-Indonesian
  • English-Italian
  • English-Japanese
  • English-Korean
  • English-Malay
  • English-Polish
  • English-Portuguese
  • English-Russian
  • English-Spanish
  • English-Swedish
  • English-Tamil
  • English-Telugu
  • English-Thai
  • English-Turkish
  • English-Urdu
  • English-Vietnamese
  • Japanese-Chinese (Simplified)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 9, 2017
Deep inside Europe :-)
Since I only type in English and Swedish (Swedish does not support multilingual keyboard) I can tell you that for the most part there is no contextual awareness. It actually blows my mind that iOS cannot remember which keyboard I use in different apps and conversations. In lieu of true multilingual keyboard support for Swedish, this kind of contextual awareness would be incredibly useful. In fact, now that I think about it, that would work just as well for me. Just as long as I don't have to switch keyboards all the time.

The worst part is you can't switch keyboards mid word without autocorrecting to the wrong word first.
I see your experience is very Similar to mine. I can just say that some apps remember language in each conversation. Like Messages but not all other. And if you start new message it uses last system wide language. It maybe fail under other circumstances. I haven’t tested it much.

Behavior of switching in middle of the word really piss me off.


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2020
App maybe but since google never allowed integration within system, probably to give Android edge
Google provides great developer tools for using their translate API. They have no way to provide system integration in iOS, because well…
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