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macrumors 6502a
Jul 4, 2011
It's Slim, Pro, Ultra, Plus and Max... .... the iPhone 16 Ultrimproplax! Apple really needs to throw Mega into the mix... when folks tell me there's been a bozo infiltration into Apple over the last 10 years all I need for confirmation is their product SKUs and naming.


macrumors regular
Feb 17, 2010
I think you misconstrue why they want this- it’s a great feature and it should exist across the entire product line. Not just special boy Pro phones. But Apple is seemingly out of ideas so they artificially gate this sort of stuff like people are rubes. I guess many are. The Android camp copied so much of what made early iPhones captivating, turn about is fair play. iOS 18 (poorly) borrowed the Home Screen arranging of icons by giving flexibility while sadly still using a grid. Why not take some of the camera and screen features too? Seems like they’ve been fresh out of ideas since the 11/12 era
It is a great feature and should be accross the range. But it isn’t. If u want the feature buy a pro, or android, or go without, or wait until it is accross the range. No big deal.


macrumors regular
Feb 17, 2010
Listen up there buddy. a) clearly some give a hoot given the reactions on my post and the post just after yours, b) you think criticism is out of place on a forum discussing Apple products? Think again, bud.
Hey if you too poor to afford the pro model with the screen you want that’s ok, we cant all have the latest and greatest. Just wait until the tech comes down to the base level non-pro phones.


macrumors 6502
Sep 21, 2013
The more I think about this phone, if it ends up with rounded sides instead of flat sides like current phones I will absolutely buy it.

Rounded sides on a phone are to me my most sought after premium phone feature.


macrumors member
Aug 24, 2022
They gave up on the mini too soon. They needed to find a way to give it more features and capabilities. I love the size but it lacks capabilities. If they were to find a way to make it current and keep the size they might be on to something
If they’d stop gatekeeping features with “Pro” and just sell iPhone as a premium device they could just do a 5.4”, 6.1”, and 6.7” model


macrumors 6502a
Nov 17, 2022
Hey if you too poor to afford the pro model with the screen you want that’s ok, we cant all have the latest and greatest. Just wait until the tech comes down to the base level non-pro phones.

That's my point, 120Hz has already come down to budget smartphones for years, just not iPhone. It's not some kind of passive trickle down like you make out it to be, it's Apple purposely keeping this a Pro only feature.


macrumors member
Aug 24, 2022
This “many of us” is like 5 or 6 people that are constantly whining about big phones on Macrumors….. in reality nobody wants tiny phones any more. They didn’t sell and Apple stopped making them…. In fact they went even bigger, so what does that tell you?
Apple hamstrung the model from the features to the marketing and pretend to be shocked when it doesn't have high sales. Everyone I know that's tried the mini has loved the size. The 13 mini is great and I've really enjoyed it.

They didn't sell because most of us that want a small phone want a premium iPhone, not a "base" configuration. I'd have gladly paid a $100 premium for a "Pro" mini. They could have added a few mm thickness to it to give it all day battery life and room for a "Pro" camera model.

5.4" isn't tiny, and with slim bezels it could easily be brought to 5.6" and be smaller than iPhone 7.

You don't have to defend their "climb the ladder" practice, Tim Apple isn't reading this. They can simply make iPhone a premium product in 3 sizes with all the features.


macrumors G3
Apr 10, 2008
Apple hamstrung the model from the features to the marketing and pretend to be shocked when it doesn't have high sales. Everyone I know that's tried the mini has loved the size. The 13 mini is great and I've really enjoyed it.

They didn't sell because most of us that want a small phone want a premium iPhone, not a "base" configuration. I'd have gladly paid a $100 premium for a "Pro" mini. They could have added a few mm thickness to it to give it all day battery life and room for a "Pro" camera model.

5.4" isn't tiny, and with slim bezels it could easily be brought to 5.6" and be smaller than iPhone 7.

You don't have to defend their "climb the ladder" practice, Tim Apple isn't reading this. They can simply make iPhone a premium product in 3 sizes with all the features.
The only flaw in your argument is that the iPhone 15 and 15 plus variants are the best sellers. most people don't mind buying the under spec'd phones if they can save some money. I have a feeling that Apple can spec up the mini and sales results may get a small boost but not enough to make it a viable product. I get that you prefer that size, but I think it's time to admit that you are in the very small minority.


macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
What world are we living in where 0.32 inches is considered fat and 6.5 ounces is considered heavy... jeeeez
For a device that must be manipulated with fingertips, small differences in size and weight can make a difference. Lower weight makes the phone easier to hold and harder to drop. It makes it easier to pull out of your pocket and flip around to use.
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macrumors regular
Aug 17, 2017
Tucson, AZ
If they’d stop gatekeeping features with “Pro” and just sell iPhone as a premium device they could just do a 5.4”, 6.1”, and 6.7” model
I don’t see that happening. They could just have one pro max version for those that want it. There is a market for people that want the highest end device. I won’t fault them for catering to them. I do like your idea.


macrumors 6502
Nov 22, 2002
Manhattan Beach
Apple made such a big stink about the ability to record 3D 'stereo' video that would be useful with the Apple Vision. Doesn't look like this new camera config will support that in landscape? Sounds un-Apple of them.
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